Chapter 56

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"Doll...i can't help but feel like this is punishment, and i don't even know what i did wrong..." Bucky glanced down at his hands that were holding at least six bags each. From clothes to shoes, accessories to tech stuff, Alex really knew how to shop up a storm.


"Because we've been here for three hours and you've been into almost every store in this shopping precinct, and this isn't even the first round of bags." His words made her laugh as she batted her long thick lashes at him.

"It's not funny." he chastised her and pouted for added emphasis. He wasn't used to being able to spend so much money so easily. Alex giggled and clasped his chin, her thumb pressing into his soft dimple.

"Yeah it is," She said, and suddenly all the bags were gone, willed away into the car to join the other bags. At this rate the car was looking like its own back store containment.

No one noticed a single thing thanks to the glamour she placed over them after they left the compound. It came in handy when she didn't want to be noticed or looked at with judgemental eyes from those who still didn't see her as good. The glamour made people see them as just any normal couple out and about in love with each other.

He sighed when her lips brushed his. "Do you want to leave?" She asked curiously.

"Well, i mean, if you're finished then we—"

"Okay," She shrugged, pulling away. "If you want to go home without hitting the lingerie store then that's fine with me," she batted her lashes at him again and knew she had him where she wanted him.

He growled. "Fucking tease" The smug grin on her face was enough to rile him up.

Alex took hold of his hand. "You know you love it," she walked, guiding him into the lingerie store with her confidence high.

Browsing the racks, she found a few sets she liked. They varied from cute to sexy and in-between, perfect for everyday and special occasions. The colours were black, white, two red ones and a blue. The blue was a gorgeous hue in the shade family that resembled Bucky's eyes.

"Hey doll," He called out, holding up a set that was sheer and barely covered anything at all. It had intricate lace detailing around the edges. She gasped with a look of horror in her eyes. 


He chuckled, a smirk on his lips. "But you'd look so good in it" he teased.

"Oh yeah-totally, completely sheer as shit, i may as well not wear anything at all."

Alex dismissed his choice and looked back at the racks but the mental image floored his mind.

"I wouldn't object to that, easier access for me," He muttered cheekily, but she heard it and shot him a glare. He bit his lip while his eyes raked down her body.

She scolded him by whisper shouting his name. "Bucky Barnes!" He laughed—one of his true from the heart laughs and it warmed her soul.

"You are a nightmare." She said. He rolled his eyes and put the set back then followed her. Alex headed to the change rooms with her chosen sets in hand, while Bucky sat in the lounge chair outside the room per Madam's request. The owner of the little establishment was a middle aged woman from her hometown of Paris. All these years later and she still held a European accent.

"No boys allowed inside the girls change rooms," she had said. Bucky thought it sweet of her to be so proper. Alex had smiled politely and stuck her tongue out at the super soldier when the woman turned her back.

Alone inside the cubicle, Alex went through the sets, trying them on one after another. A few had corset styles that screamed sexy while a few were simply cute and girly. When she tried on the blue set, a smile spread on her lips as she admired herself in the mirror. Feeling the fabric and decorative straps that lay against her curves perfectly.

Fire and Ice - (Bucky Barnes x OC) 18+Where stories live. Discover now