Chapter 34

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"Good morning Alexandra" Shuri greeted.

"Good morning Shuri"

The princess gasped, she wasn't used to hearing a reply, so when Alex actually spoke it took her by surprise. Despite being in a zombie like state Alex heard every single word the girl had spoken over the past few months. From the introduction of who she was to the daily one sided chats, the conversations she had with assistants and then the moment before she injected her with a cure to the serum Pierce had used on her.

"How are you feeling today?"

"I'm okay..." Alex replied as truthful as she could because physically, she was doing much better after all that rest and food. But mentally—she was far from okay. Shuri explained filling Alex in on details she had missed, including where she was.

"I'm sorry about your lab..." 

Shuri waved a hand dismissing the apology with a smile. "I was in need of some new upgrades, you just pushed the date forwards," They both shared a smile. 

"I must say that it is good to finally have you talking," 

"It's nice to finally meet the girl who's voice filled my ears and showed me kindness..." Alex replied.

"Well, it is the least i could have done, you have become quite the story here." Shuri went on to check vitals and take notes down on her tech pad. The words hung between them and Alex didn't know how to feel about it.

"I don't know if i should be flattered, or concerned after hearing that," She said with pinched brows. 

Glancing up from the screen the princess let a laugh slip. 

"Be flattered Alexandra, it is all good talk,"

After the first day, T'Challa deemed her safe in his city and gave her a suite room in the palace for her own privacy. She didn't think she was worth all the fuss but wasn't about to turn down the offers. Alex figured it'd be disrespectful and she didn't feel like making an enemy. Instead she was flooded with gratitude for the king allowing her to roam freely, giving her that sense of humanity back.

She wasn't a prisoner or captive but a guest in the palace. There was no four walls without windows, there was no metal doors, there was no guards standing outside her door either. By all means, she was free.

After the first week, Shuri opted to get her into a training regime, helping her get back to form in addition to everything else they were already doing. Slowly, and daily, the princess noticed Alex open up more but despite gaining trust between them, she wasn't ready to divulge absolutely everything. 

The memories that flashed in her mind were ones she wanted to keep secret, especially when it contained her mum. It had felt so unbelievably real that it made Alex homesick in heart wrenching ways.

The power burst—an Awakening, is what Shuri called it, left Alex as her true self. Her mind was her own and she felt this familiarity with herself that she had not felt since before she landed in this world's 1940's. 

The antidote reversed the effects of the serum, burning away everything that Hydra had ever done to her genetic makeup over time. It reversed everything and in doing so brought forth who she was always meant to be. 

The darkness was gone—Illyria was now locked somewhere so far down in the depths that she wasn't afraid her alter ego would ever dare come creeping out again. Alex was in control, and more powerful then she's ever felt before. The only down side was that she remembered everything...the good, the bad, and the fucking ugly.

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