Chapter 26

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Alex was dragged down the hallway by Yuri and tossed into a room, her body crashed against the slick floor and rolled, making ice cold water splash around her. She glanced around while pushing up to kneel, it was a room she knew too well. 

The -rain room- dark, moist and cold, a place where they tortured their subjects with ice cold water below degrees that should be impossible, the feeling on par with what it would feel like if a persons skin was burned off.

In the blink of an eye two men gripped her and pulled her up, securing her arms to aerial ties that hung suspended in the middle of the room. Alex now hung much the same way from those ties, arms stretching above her head. 

She braced for the impact she knew would hurt like hell and shut her eyes tightly just as a cold blast of water poured down over her from the opening above. She couldn't stop the scream that tore from her throat, or the way her body shook on its own. After a few repeats of that torture, Yuri signalled for the guards to undo her shackles and let her slump to the floor in a wet heap as they brought Bucky in.

Alex remained on the floor shivering, her lips trembled from the cold and her skin littered with goosebumps. There was a moment—a split second of a moment where Yuri looked at her and a slight feeling of remorse overcame him. Unbeknownst to them, Yuri was given an order by Pierce to do whatever it took to break them. He was given an order and he would see it through.

With a shrug of his shoulders, he blinked and the moment passed as fast as it came on, he headed over to her while the guards restrained Bucky, shoving him to his knees on the wet ground.

"You leave me no choice pet" he whispered, crouching down in front of her. 

"You will be the reason he won't remember you. You will be the reason he becomes the winter soldier again,"

"No.. please," She begged, gripping his coat with her wet shaky hands. Alex met his gaze and her eyes widened at the insinuation of his words and what they meant—they were going to use her to turn him.

"Please stop...i know-i know you don't want to do this to me..."

Alex played on his possessive side, hoping that by a slim margin it would somehow break his hard exterior. She knew that when it came to her, he was extremely possessive.

"And how would you know what i want?" He leaned in so that he was inches from her face and trailed a finger along her sharp jawline. All she could do was stare into his dark evil eyes. Alex knew exactly what he wanted, and has wanted since he'd caught her all that time ago. The cold seeped into her body making her lips quiver and breath shudder, but his gaze scanned her face and lingered on her lips.


"I love it when you beg—it's such, sweet, music," he taunted melodically, his tender caress turned to a grip of her jaw and faster than she could see coming his lips captured hers in a hard and rough kiss. She groaned punching at his chest but it was no use, she was extremely weak and the choker rendered her less than average. 

The feeling of his lips on hers made her want to vomit. He held her firmly as he forcefully kissed her knowing Bucky was watching and fighting the guards that held him down.

Alex caught Yuri's lip in-between her teeth and bit down hard enough to draw blood, a hiss tore from his throat as he shoved her back. With a swipe over his lips, he saw the blood smeared over his fingers and his gaze narrowed. In the next second, he sent her crashing to the floor again with a hard slap to the face. Alex gasped and blood sprayed from her mouth, droplets touching the water and spreading like a fine red wine.

Fire and Ice - (Bucky Barnes x OC) 18+Where stories live. Discover now