A now way

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"How did he found out!?!?" A Familiar woman's voice screamed, And I immediately opened my eyes To meet the ceiling of an old home, That I do not recognize. "How Define!?!"  I turned to my left And to see Clarissa standing in front of Define Angry, And somewhat confused.

"I do not know Rissa." Define Answers as I slowly stand up.

"I don't understand how he has found out!? How!! I've been so careful, It's nearly impossible for humans to find out! so how did he!?!" Clarissa picks up a glass off of a small table by a fireplace and throws it across the room, hitting an old painting causing both the break. "And he has taken her with him!!"

Her? And who is she talking about? What's going on?

"I do not know how he is found out Clarissa, and as for Eleanora, we will get her back." Define says And I immediately realize what they are talking about, and what is happening.

This must be the day my birth father fled with me, Which means this is a vision of the past 16 years ago.

"Of course we will!" Clarissa says, And I turned back to her and noticed what appears to be tears within the corner of her eyes, but why? "I know we will get her back, my concern is with how he found out."

"Perhaps maybe Galya or Adela told him?" Define Suggest, But Clarissa shakes her head.

"What purpose would they have to tell him?  He has fled with her, Along with his sister. Why flee? If they told him what I am, They would have taken Eleanora away After wards." Clarissa says then turns to the fireplace and thanks for a moment, "No, they did not tell him. he found out another way, and I demand to know how!"

"And you will," Define Says and slowly walks over to Clarissa and puts a hand on her shoulder. "But for now we must send out our ravens, and search." Clarissa Nods then takes a deep breath, And when I turn my attention to a Define the room begins to change, and I suddenly find myself in A familiar alley way.

"What the–"  I'm cut off by a Scream not far from me, and I take off And when I reach another alleyway I recognize this area as Vaultera, And I immediately stop when I'm faced with the sight of Jane Holding a baby, with Alec standing next to her and two dead bodies on the ground.

What the hell is this? what's going o–wait, is this the day that Jane found me? It is! that means–

I'm taken from my thought when Jane and Alec both disappear along with Baby me, wow, that's a weird sentence.

"No! No!!" The voice of Clarissa hisses from behind me, and I turn to see her and Define. "They've taken my child! those Undead cretins have taken my Daughter! we must stop them!" She hisses And began to walk in the direction of the castle but Define stops her, Causing her to turn and look at her confused.

"We cannot," Define says, and both I and Clarissa look at her Says,.

Why would she stop Clarissa? Mean I'm glad she did, but why?

"what!?" Clarissa Pulls her wrist free from Define, "what do you mean we Can't!? She is my daughter and they have taken her from me!"

"Yes, but did you see the way the vampire looked at her?"

"What do you mean?"

"I was listening to the blonde one's thoughts, Eleanora is her mate," Define Tells her, and Clarissa clinches her fist type.

"What! No! That cannot be!"

"It is Clarissa, and if you March into that castle right now you will be faced with the entire Volturi."

"The Volturi," Clarissa says or asks, I'm not sure and began to look around.

"Yes, Rissa." Define nods, " And that blonde vampire that just took off with Eleanora, is the Princess Jane Volturi," At her words Clarissa turns her attention back to her shocked, and even more angry. "We cannot take Eleanora,"

You kept me waiting Long enough Jane volturi's mateWhere stories live. Discover now