Chapter 41

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Everyone is waiting out of the emergency room .

Doctor how is she ? Heng asked

We are checking on that ! The doctor replied which made everyone panic .

Richee walked towards heng , why it happened to freen suddenly

She have this problem from her childhood , whenever she get more emotional or angry . It start to bleed in her ears .

Don't worry grandma , she will be alright .

Richee is one who can understand the situation well. Richee dragged Becky to a room .

Tell me Becky , why freen reacted this way !!

Becky still crying .

Becky stop crying and tell me what is going on.

Becky buried her face into Richee chest , start to cry .

Richee ..

Becky what happened, say me .

We are in love , freen decided to say this to her grandma . But soon all this happened

Becky ... Richee breaked the hug and look at Becky

What stupid ! A moment while you got engaged to someone but you are saying ...

Richee i never expected this will happen.

You must say this to us early . Atleast with dad ..

Sorry Richee.

Oh my god , I don't know what i need to do now !

Becky i need to meet freen only once , please do something .

Richee asked heng to take Grandma , nikhil , Joah to cafeteria to have something it almost 3 hours . He also asked Mr Armstrong to accompany them.

Then Richee took permission from the doctor to meet freen .

Richee asked Becky to meet freen .

Becky went inside and saw freen . Who is connected with lot of wires and trips in her hand .

Becky started to cry .

Freen.. wake up , i m scared . Please wake up .

Becky held freen hand tightly . She kissed freen's Forehead.

Freen I love you and i need to marry with you . Come and say to everyone please.

Richee soon knocked the door .

Becky come we need to go to cafeteria otherwise they will suspect anything .

Becky looked freen and wiped her tears .

Hold Me(It's You and Always You)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang