Chapter 69

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Grandma I m taking freen with me ! Becky looking at Grandma

But where ? Grandmà stared

I m taking her with me to London and i already asked Joah to check .

Becky she is my granddaughter

Yeah I know that grandma! But i need freen to be happy .

You are not allowed to take her from me ! Grandma shouted

Soon Nikhil came to check on grandma

Grandma ! Becky what's happening here ? Nikhil looked Becky .

Nikhil I m taking freen with me to UK . I ll take care of her , Becky said

Rebecca i cannot leave my freen , Grandma cried holding Nikhil hand .

Becky ! Please don't take her , think about grandma , Nikhil pleased Becky .

Right now freen is more important than me ! Grandma don't worry i ll take care well . When she need to come back she will be back to you . I cannot make you to understand what is our love .one day you will know that i m right choice . She will be with me and i ll take care of her not as Armstrong daughter as Rebecca Patricia Armstrong freen's girlfriend . I m sorry Nikhil .

Nikhil do something I don't want her to take my freen from me .

Grandma please I ll talk to her you don't be stressed it's not good for your health , Nikhil said .

Becky I spoke with daughter , Richee said

What the doctor said ?

Freen need to be in observation for next 48 hours after that only we know !

Nothing serious right!

We hope for it , Richee pulled Becky for a hug .

It's my mistake bro ! If i m not in her life she will be more happy . She is suffering because of me .

Becky , please stop crying you are her strength , Joah rubbed Becky's shoulder .

She is a fighter and she will come back . I know about her .

Yes , she will come back for you Becky , she need to love you lot , Tee said

Right now ! I need her to open her eyes and look at me .

Soon she will ! Richee rubbed Becky tears .

Heng and Nikhil take grandma to the home , as her condition is not good .

Becky ! What you spoke with Grandma , Joah asked

I told her that I ll take freen with me to UK .

But why Becky ! I know what grandma did is wrong . This is not right thing. Freen is her one and only family.

Sorry Joah ! I dont find any solution rather than this . I need freen to be happy .

Becky please postpone your decision let freen open her eyes and then we can discuss.

Becky nodded her head .

Becky I think you need to rest and it's almost 12 .

No phi , i cannot sleep and i ll stay here .

Ok then!!!

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