Chapter 14

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Chapter 14 Poor little He Jia

Aunt Li happened to come out of the house and was about to pour the water in the basin into the yard.

Seeing He Jia's thin body, she clutched her stomach and walked home with her head lowered.

Aunt Li couldn't help but call He Jia, "He Jia, come to our house for dinner." It's

not that no family can't afford to eat these days, but the He family does have some difficulties.

Five years ago, when He Jia was only 4 years old, his mother became seriously ill, and the whole family began to collapse.

When my father, who was working outside, heard the news, he sent some money home at first, but later he saw neither money nor people.

He Jia's mother came to the north from the south alone many years ago, despite her family's objections, and then married He Jia's father without hesitation.

Before she got sick, although the family's life was not very rich, it was still decent. When He Jia's father went out to work, she took care of everything at home.

After her accident, there was no one in the house who could take care of the house. There was only a 4-year-old child and an old man who stayed in bed all day long.

When she first fell ill, she also persuaded He Jia's father not to go home unless there was something important, so as not to delay making money.

He Jia's father also returned money on time at first.

As his condition became more and more serious later, when the whole family not only needed care but also money to support their lives, He Jia's father seemed to be unable to bear the pressure and disappeared from the world.

I could never find him again by writing a letter or calling him.

In this situation at home, no one can go to the place where he works to find him.

The people in the village took the He family's situation into their eyes and took it to heart, and many people were very angry.

Suddenly someone in the village remembered that the Wu family in the village went out to work with He Jia's father. Maybe the Wu family knew where He Jia's father was now.

The angry villagers made inquiries and finally found out the news about He Jia's father.

He Jia's father, who was working outside at first, was anxious when he heard that his wife was seriously ill. His wife, who was sick at the beginning, could still take care of the house.

But as the condition continues to worsen, more and more money is needed for treatment. Even if you don't have to stay in the hospital for treatment, the cost of drugs is also very expensive.

There is an old father at home who is also in poor health. Before his wife fell ill, he had been lying in bed all day long.

In addition, his son was about to go to school. All these things made He Jia's father breathless.

I don't know what critical point he reached. Finally, He Jia's father decided to throw away all responsibilities, found a slightly rich woman, and left the place where they worked together.

The villagers did not dare to speak out, nor did they dare to tell He Jia's mother, who was seriously ill, for fear that she would not be able to carry it in one breath.

But after all, paper can't cover up the fire. This woman who has always believed in her husband for the sake of her family, she firmly didn't believe it the moment she heard the news.

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