Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

Gu Qi looked at Wen Wen who had just gotten into the car. Wen Wen was dressed in an ivory white dress that made her even more elegant. Her hair was simply pulled into a low bun and she had a very grand bow. Her makeup was also very elegant. Simple and perfect for this dress.

The delicate red color on her lips made Wen Wen's complexion even more rosy.

"Wenwen, you are so beautiful today." As soon as she got into the car, Gu Qi, who was sitting in the back seat, praised her.

Wen Wen adjusted the dress underneath her body, lifted up the skirt and placed it neatly at her feet.

After cleaning up, he heard Gu Qi's words and had time to look up at her.

Gu Qi's character has always been flamboyant, and her appearance is also gorgeous. The dress she chose today still suits her very well. She is wearing a burgundy velvet dress, with gorgeous jewelry on her ears and neck. It is a bit dazzling when the lights in the car dazzle her. .

"Miss Gu still performed steadily today." Wen Wen blinked and looked at Gu Qi with a smile.

"But where did you buy this rocker? I've rarely seen it with this kind of craftsmanship and this shape." Gu Qi fell back, looked at the back of Wen Wen's head and said, "It's really beautiful, I want to Buy one."

"A friend gave it to me. It's really beautiful, but I can't contact him now."

Sighing, Wen Wen continued: "If I have a chance to contact him again, I will definitely ask for you. "

Gu Qi put on a playful smile on his face when he heard this, "Who is it? He can't be a development target~" As he said this, he put his hand on Wen Wen's shoulder, and his face suddenly came closer.

"What are you talking about? But I really can't get in touch right now. If I can get in touch, I'll ask for you." Wen Wen slapped Gu Qi's hand on her shoulder away.

"Mysterious, I'm too lazy to catch you."

After a while of silence, Wen Wen was looking at her phone, and Gu Qi started to speak again, "Wen Wen, you are in great luck today. There will be many handsome guys at the auction. Wait. I'll introduce it to you later."

Wen Wen held her forehead helplessly.

She responded casually, "Okay, okay, then introduce it to me."

If she really saw her entering the auction later, she would probably have a lot to say to everyone she met. Whether she could still remember this matter now would be a problem. , Wen Wen responded casually.

The two hadn't seen each other for a while, and they kept talking in the car, ranging from entertainment gossip to work life.

"Miss, we're here." The driver slowly stopped the car in front of a manor-like place.

Wen Wen turned her head and looked out the window. There was a house not far away that seemed to be a few years old, surrounded by dense green plants.

"Didn't you talk about eating? Where is this?" Wen Wen looked back and asked Gu Qi.

The driver had already gotten out of the car and opened the door. Gu Qi was about to get up and said, "This is the banquet hosted by the organizer. I will go to the auction house later."

Wen Wen nodded and followed Gu Qi out of the car.

As soon as they got off the car, the door of the manor was opened. A man wearing a black suit, white shirt and white gloves came over. Gu Qi gave him the invitation in the bag.

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