Chapter 51

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Chapter 51

After dinner, Wen Wen remembered that she had not had time to tell Xie Zhilin about He Jia, so after saying goodbye to the Xie family, she hurriedly pulled Xie Zhilin back to his study.

"Master Xie, I have learned almost everything today. The He Jia I met is the little He Jia over there in the basket when he grows up." "

He Jia is the cousin of my friend's boyfriend. I am going to go back and collect some more information. If Xiao Hejia is willing, I will let them find him as soon as possible."

Xie Zhilin nodded and expressed his understanding, and then said: "Then what do I need to do?"

Wen Wen subconsciously followed his words and looked at him, his His expression was very serious, and the dancing candlelight flickered in his eyes, like a flame that suddenly rose in a silent world. Even if there was loneliness around him, he had to look at the flame, and he looked at her with very focused eyes.

Wen Wen knew that Xie Zhilin didn't just say that he wanted to follow her last time, but he thought about it carefully.

"No need, but you may not be able to wear your clothes here. I may have to change your clothes." Wen Wen moved her eyes and looked Xie Zhilin up and down.

When Xie Zhilin heard this, he unconsciously looked at his own clothes. He couldn't help but recall Wen Wen's clothes and the clothes of the teacher who taught the class on his mobile phone.

As if thinking that all the male teachers in the video had short hair, Xie Zhilin paused and asked: "I saw that the teachers in the video all have short hair. Do I need to cut my hair?" Just kidding, how could he be asked to cut his hair

? I have to come back, and then I won't be able to leave the house for a long time.

Although she thought so in her heart, Wen Wen still said with a smile: "That may be the case. Sir Xie, would you like to cut your hair, just like the teachers in the video, with short hair close to the scalp." It is very rare that Xie Zhilin's face has always been calm

. There was a tangled look on his face, but he didn't think for long before he spoke again, like a clear spring hitting a stone, his voice was clean and clear, "If there is really no other way, I can try." Hearing this, Wen Wen smiled even more happily

. , "That's not necessary. I can't let Mr. Xie sacrifice so much. I will buy a hat then. A fisherman's hat should be fine." When Wen Wen said the fisherman's hat, Xie Zhilin couldn't help but think of the boat rides in previous years

. When I was there, I saw a fisherman wearing a pointed hat.

This kind of hat seems to be able to cover all the hair.

"I'm going back first. I'll call you when I'm ready." After Wen Wen finished speaking, she stood up, and Xie Zhilin stood up with her.

"Thank you for today's hospitality. How about you come to my house for dinner next time? Anyway, my mother always said that she didn't let you eat at home last time when you left. My mother's cooking skills are very good." The two of them walked to the painting in silence. On the other side, Wen Wen turned around and thanked her.

Xie Zhilin must have remembered the last time he accidentally bumped into Mother Wen, and smiled softly, with the corners of his eyes slightly curved, "I'm waiting for Miss Wen's invitation." After bidding farewell to Xie Zhilin and returning to her room, Wen Wen discovered her

clothes She hasn't brought it back yet, and she is still wearing the dress Xie's mother made for her.

After taking off her skirt and putting on her pajamas, Wen Wen carefully hung up the skirt and took off the hairpins and jewelry on her head and put them away.

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