Chapter 23: Elder Brother, I'm Afraid

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A sinister whooshing sound cut through the air. The feathered arrows whistled like locusts swarming down, and half the sky was densely packed with black dots.

  Arrows with gleaming light pierced through his breastplate, one after another, nailing his entire body.

  He was knocked off his horse by a dozen spears, rolled, and regained his footing. Standing in front of the slope, his bloody hands once again raised the double hammers.

  Yaoying pushed him, punched him, cried and scolded him.

  Li Zhongqian stood motionless, covered in blood and his robe in tatters. The light in his phoenix eyes slowly dimmed.

  The circling vultures dived down, their sharp dark brown beaks tearing into his body.

  Yaoying threw herself forward and wildly drove the vultures away.

  "Let go of my elder brother! Let go!"

  The vultures flapped their wings and pecked fiercely at Yaoying, pecking her all over. She clung to Li Zhongqian, bruised and battered.

  "Elder brother!"

  Yaoying woke up from her dream and wiped the corners of her eyes with her clammy fingertips.

  She had another nightmare.

  The maid held a candle in one hand, lifted the gauze canopy, and shone the light on her face.

  "Your Highness, did you have a nightmare?"

  Yaoying had broken out in a cold sweat and her clothes were plastered to her skin. She let out a distracted hum of agreement, her hands still trembling.

  She frequently had this dream, but no other nightmare had ever been more real and clear as this one, as if it truly happened.

  The moonlight spilled through the window, and there was a quiet silence outside.

  Yaoying fumbled around and found the jade incense box by her pillow. She opened the lid, and the pigeon egg sized bright moon pearl emitted a soft and pure glow.

  She gripped the pearl. Remembering what she saw in her dream, her heart was in turmoil. She directly got up and draped some clothes on, left her courtyard and walked towards the north house where Li Zhongqian lived.

Li Zhongqian was very confident of his martial arts that his guards were driven to the outer courtyard to keep watch, leaving only two errand boys in the north house.

  The whole way there, none of the guards dared to stop Yaoying.

  The two servants were sitting back to back, dozing off. When they saw her coming, they went dumb for a moment, thinking she was a fairy from their dreams.

  Yaoying made a shushing gesture towards them, tiptoed inside. She stood outside the screen, lifted the gauze canopy and looked inside.

  She didn't want to wake Li Zhongqian, just wanting to see him for a few moments and make sure he was still alive and well.

  The bed was empty.

  Yaoying was stunned.

  A low laugh suddenly sounded in her ears: "In the dark, what is little seventh looking for?"

  Yaoying shrieked in fright and subconsciously smashed over the object she was clutching in her hand.

  Just after releasing her hand, she reacted and quickly threw herself forward. Her feet suddenly slipped, her whole body lost its center of gravity and plunged headfirst towards the screen.

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