Chapter 84

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A shiver rolled over Yaoying's body.

The personal soldiers also noticed the falcon above their heads, and their faces changed dramatically.

They had often seen this falcon following their procession in the past few months. As soon as they saw the pair of ash-colored wings, they knew it was Haidu Aling's divine eagle.

"Haidu Aling is coming!"

The personal soldiers held the reins tightly, their voices trembling slightly.

Yaoying forced herself to calm down.

There couldn't be such a coincidence. She wouldn't be so unlucky...

Her line of sight followed the white falcon. Looking into the distance, the falcon flew a little lower, and there was suddenly a faint speck of black in the sandy hill on the northern side of the main road.

The black slowly moved-it was a black banner beaten by the fierce wind, followed by another one.

A dozen black banners waved in the wind, as if night had fallen.

Haidu Aling's battle flag.

With the appearance of the black banners, rows of warriors in battle armor appeared on the west side of the earthen city. Their mounts stepped across the flat sand at a neat march and galloped in the direction of the main road.

Yaoying turned her horse around.

On the other side of the sand dunes, a dozen dark banners and black-armored knights with long swords in hand also appeared, slowly approaching.

The man at the head was dressed in a gold-woven brocade robe, his posture on horseback tall and strong.

The sound of the pipa stopped. The people leading the caravans discovered the soldiers covered behind the dunes, recognized Haidu Aling, and were scared to death. Abandoning their goods, they turned around and tried to run while the black-armored warriors on the other side drew nearer.

The merchants cried out, "The Northern Rong soldiers are coming! The Northern Rong soldiers are coming!"

The personal soldiers gathered around Yaoying to prevent her from being swept away by the congested stream of people.

Yaoying clutched the reins tightly, and all the torment she had been going through for months suddenly came flooding back.

Time and time again, she carefully sounded out. Time and time again, she became fearful. Time and time again, she despaired.

Those were nothing... she could bear all that, but why, when she just felt a little bit of rare peace and freedom again, was she once again forced to despair?

How could Haidu Aling come so quickly!

On the hillside, Haidu Aling leisurely and methodically raised his longbow. Pointing his bow at the panicked crowd, he shot five arrows in the blink of an eye. The arrows were forceful and fierce, whizzing through the air.

Several screams rang out, and people fell off their horses one after another.

Yaoying came back to her senses.

Haidu Aling did not recognize her. His target seemed to be these merchants?

No, his target was all the people alive on this road.

Yaoying's mind turned and urged her horse into a gallop: "Escape with these people! They know where it's safe!"

Right now, Haidu Aling did not recognize her. When he had killed almost everyone, she would still fall into his hands.

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