Chapter 151

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Gaochang located deep in the inland, in a region of natural beauty Xingsheng, it stands at the north and south of the Tian Shan Mountains, with multiple tribes living together.

As a small oasis country in the desert, it was once under the rule of different regional powers, struggling to survive amidst various powerful forces. When the Central Plains dynasties were prosperous, it sought ways to attach itself to these dynasties. Later on, it became part of the Tang Dynasty and served as an important outpost in the Western Regions. Its etiquette, customs, policies, laws, official script, and local language were all similar to those of the Central Plains.

During the chaos in the Central Plains, with frequent wars and the loss of control over the Hexi and Longxi regions, the various states in the Western Regions were left isolated. Xizhou became Gaochang, and many noble families and commoners from the Hexi and Longxi regions migrated there for refuge. Han Chinese, Turkic people, Sogdians, Tiele people, etc.  Many tribes settled here, mainly Han people.

The Yuchi clan, originally from the Longxi region, migrated to Gaochang and established marital relationships with the local royal family. Eventually, they overtook the ruling position and became the rulers themselves.

The current ruler of Gaochang is named Yuchi Damo. He married a noblewoman named Zhang as his wife. Several years ago, when the Northern Rong army invaded, Gaochang submitted to the Northern Rong, and Yuchi Damo married the niece of the Wakhan Khan as his wife, acknowledging the Northern Rong as his overlords.

The royal city of Gaochang is built along the river, with a strategically advantageous location. Beyond the city walls, there is a vast deserted wilderness stretching for dozens of miles. As one approaches the city, the sounds of people become denser, accompanied by the dry north wind. Caravans from different city-states pass through the quicksand, with the melodious sound of camel bells resonating in the air. The camel caravan merchants, waiting to enter the city, form long queues.

Yao Ying and his party dismount their horses and wait to enter the city. They have already prepared the necessary documents to pass through the checkpoint, so they don't have to worry about being inspected. However, they must avoid revealing their identities.

While waiting in line, Yuan Jue whispers to Yao Ying. He is one of the few people in the group who knows the purpose of their journey.

He glanced at Sultan Gu in front of the team, scratched his head, and asked Yaoying in a low voice: "Princess, there is one thing I can't figure out. The name of the Yuchi King is Bodhidharma. It can be seen that the Gaochang royal family is a believer in Buddhism. Most of the people in Gaochang believe in Buddhism and their people respect the king very much. Every year, many people go to the holy city to listen to the king's preaching, and the princes and nobles rush to give alms. As long as we say the name of the king, won't they agree to form an alliance? Why does the princess want to come to Gaochang in person?"

Yaoying smiled and said: "The Yuchi royal family moved from Hexi and was deeply influenced by Confucianism. The customs here are slightly different from those of the royal court, and it seems more sincere for me to come in person."

  Yuan Jue's expression shows unconcerned.Yaoying didn't explain much to him.

Gaochang also worshiped Buddhism, and the king of Yuchi presented wine to the royal court every year, but the royal power was more important. This was once a prefecture and county in the Central Plains Dynasty, with the majority of Han people. The official school taught the children to study Confucian classics, the Five Classics, and various histories. Although the official school was abolished due to the situation in recent years, like other small countries that surrendered to Northern Rong, they changed to Hu customs and said Hu language, but the influence of the Central Plains has been deeply rooted over the years.

When Master Xuanzang returned to the Central Plains after studying Buddhist scriptures, he was well received by Li Shimin and his son Li zhi, and had frequent contacts with the royal family. He was a very smart monk and understood that he must rely on the royal family to carry forward Buddhism. He once made two requests to Li Zhi's memorial: to put Buddhism before Taoism, to abolish the law that criminalizes monks and nuns as the same as laymen, and to grant certain privileges to monks.

Although Li Zhi admired Master Xuanzang very much, he flatly rejected his request. In the Central Plains, ascetics were both born in and out of the world always obeying the imperial power. As an emperor, Li Zhi would not be stupid enough to agree to Master Xuanzang's petition.

  Similarly, no matter how much Yuchi Damo respects Tumoroga, when talking about forming an alliance, he will still weigh the pros and cons based on the interests of Gaochang and will not be emotional.

  Yuanjue and the soldiers of the royal court grew up in the royal court since they were young. They worshiped Tumoroga enthusiastically and believed that it was natural for princes and nobles to submit to the Buddha. No matter how much Yaoying explained, it was useless.

In recent years, Tumoroga has been able to intimidate demons and monsters not solely relying on Buddhist teachings!

Yao Ying suddenly had a thought.

Judging by Yuan Jue's behavior, one can imagine how arrogant the envoys from the royal court visiting Gaochang must be. Was it because of this that Sultan Gu's previous mission to Gaochang failed?

She glanced at Sultan Gu and shook her head with a smile.

Sultan Gu certainly exuded a fierce aura, but he was not the kind of person who would be so arrogant and disrespectful. However, he spoke little and was not suitable for diplomatic missions. Why did they send him to Gaochang during Tumoroga's illness? Clearly, Ashina Bisha would have been the most appropriate choice for an envoy...

The cheerful sound of the pipa interrupted Yao Ying's thoughts. The crowd ahead was bustling, and it was their turn to enter the city.

As everyone entered the city, the sound of the wind suddenly became much quieter. The wind blowing against their faces was warm and mixed with the smell of all kinds of earthly fireworks.

Yaoying's face was covered with a veil, and she carefully observed the passers-by along the way, frowning lightly.

Throughout the journey, regardless of age or gender, not a single person was dressed in attire from the Central Plains. Men and women alike wore short-sleeved robes, with their hair in braids hanging down their backs. Men carried daggers at their waists, and women adorned their braids with jade and precious gems.

Central Plains was their homeland.

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