Chapter 127: Set a Trap

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Ashina Bisha packed his luggage, arranged for a carriage and horses, and went to see Yaoying at the Buddhist temple.

In the courtyard, the wooden flower trellises were crawling with intertwining vines, clusters of fruits hanging off their green branches. The grapes were not yet ripe, but they were plump and round, crystal clear.

Bisha raised his hand, plucked two bunches of grapes, and brought them into the house.

Yaoying was sitting on her knees in front of the long desk, her brow lightly knitted, with a pile of scriptures in front of her.

Bisha couldn't help but chuckle: "Did the king ask you to read these?"

Yaoying nodded with a smile. Pushing away the scriptures, she straightened up and gestured for Bisha to take a seat.

Xie Peng, who was guarding the corner of the room, hung his head and retreated.

Bisha sat on the felt carpet, eyes quickly scanning around. The room's furnishings were still the same. There were no additions to the gauze brocade curtain or the soft treasure couch beside a few large chests filled with books.

Princess Wenzhao was a princess who was able to bear extreme hardships. No matter where she was, she could always take things as they came.

This was exactly what Bisha was worried about. With exceptional beauty, the charming and delicate attitude of a young lady, the brightness and poise of a royal princess, but with tenacity and strength of character. He admired such a woman, and therefore, was more afraid of Princess Wenzhao getting close to Roga.

Seeing that he was so dazed, Yaoying looked at him and asked, "General, the Regent is not at liberty to see me?"

Recovering from his thoughts, Bisha coughed and said, "The Regent has important business to attend to, so it is not convenient for him to see the Princess. If the Princess has anything to convey, I can pass on the message for her."

Yaoying pondered for a moment. Sultan Gu's whereabouts were secretive, so important political orders were all conveyed by personal soldiers. If she wanted to see him, she didn't know when that time would come. Some things were the same whether it was her or Bisha who said it.

"General, have the Northern Rong people you captured that night been sent back to the Northern Rong?"

Bisha shook his head: "Not yet. I'll leave for Northern Rong tonight and escort them personally."

Yaoying was stunned: "The general has to personally escort them?"

Bisha's eyes flickered for a moment, but he did not say anything about the state letter Roga had personally written: "Yes, I will personally escort them back to Northern Rong. Their princely escort appeared in the royal palace of the Royal Court. Northern Rong's Khan has to give an explanation to the Royal Court."

Yaoying did not ask more questions and said, "I was just about to discuss this matter with the general. Those few Northern Rong people can come in handy."

Bisha raised his eyebrows.

Yaoying met his scrutinizing gaze, and said openly, "I have been trapped in the Northern Rong camp, and have heard many hidden secrets of the Northern Rong royal family. Haidu Aling is a foreigner adopted by Wakhan Khan. Several of Wakhan Khan's sons have been at odds with him for a long time, and the Khan has also become fearful of him. There are many internal conflicts within the royal family. If the general can exploit those Northern Rong people, it can deepen the estrangement between Wakhan Khan and Haidu Aling."

Bisha's eyes narrowed slightly, looking at Yaoying with a different look than usual: "How does the princess know that there is already a gap between Haidu Aling and Wakhan Khan?"

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