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Eighth day of the month June. I want you to mark it as the day that I will finally be ready to let go of our past. I should have done this a long time ago, but only now did I have the courage to stop the feelings I've had for you since the first year we met. I admit, I have already said this so many times before, but maybe this time... this time I'd say— that this heart must really forget you.

Although forgetting what we had does not imply totally forgetting you. For the reason that I know it'll never be easy to just throw away all those happy moments we had together. I know that no matter what I do, I'd still struggle for not wanting you. Simply because you are that person whom my heart desires, though  I'm not sure myself if you still care whenever my eyes cries. Then again, I have to forget and to move forward even it'll cause hundred of miserable days ahead.

But still, deep down, I can't deny that I'm still hoping and yearning for a moment to tell you all I've been feeling throughout the previous several years that I've missed you, to tell you how much this heart longs for you, and how much this heart have loved you. Because perhaps by doing so, the weight will be much lighter when I finally say my sweetest I love you, and my hardest good bye.

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