Praises of a sinner

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God, do you hear me? If you do, then why?

Who am I to be heard by you? When all I do is to sin against you. Hundred of chances you have given me are wasted, and yet why are you still forgiving me? Long ago, I turned my back at you for I was tired of the battles you have bestow us; I cursed at you and let my heart got fuel with rage towards people whom sinned against me. I stumbled upon temptation and ignore all the right things to do. I let the flowers in the garden suffer; I ate all the fruits you told me not to, I let my pride led me to wherever it wants. I left you.

And here, you stayed. Christ, why?

When all people left me, why did you not?  Instead you gave me voice to shout; you gave me firm feet to stand. You gave me everything I did not think I need. Why am I still hearing you say, "Come, I am the right way"? When I could not even forgive myself. God, who even am I to be patient with? Who am I to be picked up, when all my life, I let you down. And whenever I cry, why are you the only one listening? I am so lost, for I don't think I deserve your kindness.

So, tell me how could I re-pay you? I know my life is not enough to let you know I thanked you— to let you know that you saved me. But my Lord God, I am willing to lose my voice shouting not my complaints anymore; but to shout all the praises you deserved this time. I'd give you my eyes; the sight I have- to stare at the shine of your light. God, those are not enough, I presume. And yet I thanked you— because even when I don't deserve you; you still reach your hands out to get me out of blue.

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