Just when I met you

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"Just when I met you."

Just when I met you; the sky's never been so blue- the oceans' never been so calm. Each passing days seem a chance to start anew; just when I met you. Silly, even myself could not believe that my mouth can speak words with such sweetness; but only when It speaks to you. I have never been this hopelessly in love, yet there seem to be an exception every time I am having the most enjoyable moment with you in a crowded space of this street; as if my heart is at peace hearing those words from your lips that almost sound like a lullaby to my ears.

Perhaps it really is your presence that motivates me to wake up every morning with such excitement in my blood and welcome even the gloomiest morning with a bright delightful smile. How ironic, isn't it? How ironic that the only thing you have to do is to let me have a glimpse of you; and only with that my perspective of this darkest blue of this universe shall immediately turn into the brightest of its blue. Only it started to happen— just when I met you

I could not identify what would be the right word to describe these confusing feelings that lingers within me; the only thing I knew— is that the dried leaves started to become a fascinating flower; the bitter love I have for this world suddenly turned so sweet; my existence once devoid of love becomes worth living even when I faced lots of troubles ahead of me; it all happened exactly when I found you. Those feelings— those things that keeps me up late at night day dreaming how good it would be like to have you in my arms– it all occured just when I met you; just when I loved you. For I started to defined my being as 'you' just when I helplessly fell in love with your flawless of hues.

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