Dear, Rhia

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⁰²¹⁴²⁴ Dear, Rhia.

I have been watching you as these years passed by, and I am beyond grateful to see you already in a home you have been desiring to have. How was the experience in there? Does it feel like you are in a garden with such pleasing sunflowers around you already? If yes, I am so happy for you.

I could see from here how far you have become. You have ran thousands of miles just to get in the position you are in; where you do not have to cut yourself- where you do not have to cry for nonsense things. Though I am aware that there were still days where you feel like the world is crushing down, but I saw how you fearlessly held your sword up and fought alone in a dark, stormy, and chaotic battlefield. It is still hard, right? To not tell anyone about the battles you have been dealing with; to not tell a single thing to keep your loved ones away from worrying.

But, My dear Rhia, I could see you are still scared- I do not know exactly why; or what, or even how. Is it because of how fast the world is revolving? Is it because you think you cannot keep up? Or perhaps it is because you are still hesitant to accept the new you? Perhaps all those knife-shaped words you have received before were still buried in your heart; the history you never want to repeat itself. If so, I could not blame you. For I know you went through hundred of floors with each shattered broken glass to hurt your feet. But I believe eventually, you will learn to leave it all behind.

My dear Rhia, I know that you believe you were not born to be perfect, but still, I would want to remind you to never waste any of the chances and opportunities; grab every leaves you want- and smell every flower you see. Gradually, you will grow and you will discover more things and I want you to take notes of the lessons you will soon learn. I want you to fall in love with yourself more; to give yourself what you deserved- to make yourself proud; but most importantly, to treat yourself gently.

I am aware that soon, the future you will read this again and again with possible tears in your eyes. And I hope when the future you have already read this letter specially made for a lady such as you- you have already learned to fall for yourself deeply- and gently.

Sincerely yours,

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