Voyage towards the freedom

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Life might not be calmer than the sea; and brighter than moon, but I know we can still be freer than the butterfly. Maybe the waves will also take us to a different way we do not want to, but I know we will find our way back to where we think we belong. Inevitably, we will encounter countless of lightning and storm along the way as we take our voyage, and it is okay; for I know eventually, the thunder could be the light we need to see what is ahead, or the storm could be the air we need to breathe in such an exhausting trip to what ever island we desire to live with.

Some days, you'd find yourself stuck in the middle of nothingness of sea, and I tell you- it is okay. We just have to stay and rest our hands from paddling for so long; so when we once feel motivated, we can move faster to eventually put our feet in the white sand we desire to feel. I know you badly want to set your foot on the water and try to walk on it, but can you restrain yourself? For it would just drown you and bring you to the lowest point of the ocean; where no one would hear your calls. In travelling this wide dark blue sea, we might encounter countless of monsters hence will probably cause us to be scared to go on, but do not let it stop you. Instead be your own savior and slay the Lotan.

After the endless-like misery we faced, surely there is a home waiting for us to live in. Never forget those misery; for the lessons we learned from these might make us much fearless the next time we have to voyage again. The trip is still on going, even when we set our feet in the island of contentment; we still inevitably have battles to deal with. Maybe not in the same sea anymore, but probably- with still the same paddle and boat.

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