Chapter Three: Hosting Is Hard!

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You couldn't believe this. A host? I mean, it could be a lot worse. You could be the twins' toy or something like that.

'How am I gonna get out of this?' You thought to yourself. Suddenly you got a plan. You fell to your knees and began to cry. "Its just...been so hard you know?" You sobbed.

Unfortunately, your plan only tricked two hosts. "Poor darling." Tamaki sat next to you. "I'm sorry.." Hikaru sat on the other side.

"The host club opens in two minutes. Get ready everyone. And you," Kyoya lookers at you. "Quit fake crying and follow me for instructions on how to be our very first female host."

You huffed in annoyance but followed Kyoya. You didn't really get this whole host thing. What do they do? 'Entertain girls?' You thought. 'Does that mean I have to entertain guys?' This sucks.. But in all honesty, you only agreed to it because you need some new friends at this rich people school.

"You will sit here and I will announce that guys may now enter the host club because we have our first hostess. All you have to do is talk to them. Don't be rude, bored, or sad when talking to them. Don't mess this up." He began to walk away but stopped.

"What is your name?" He asked you. "Y/N." You answered and turned away from him. You didn't like him one bit.

After a few minutes, a crowd of giggling girls poured into Music Room 3 and scattered, going to different hosts. "Hey." A guy with brown hair and green eyes greeted you with a smile. "Hi." You said awkwardly. 'Am I supposed to flirt?' You thought. " are you?" You attempt to make a conversation. "I'm doing well, thank you." He replied.

'Could this get any more awkward?!' You mentally panicked. Kyoya is gonna kill you for sucking at being a host. Should you flirt? How do you flirt? You sighed in frustration.

" you a camera?" I begin. "What? He says, confused. "Cause every time a I see you, I smile." You laugh lightly at your own cheesy pickup line. "I-" he starts but you cut him off.

"If you were a vegetable, you'd be a cutecumber." You continue. "Are you google? Cause your everything I'm looking for." You said with a forced wink.

"Uh.." The guy looks at you weirdly. "If you were a pirate, would you have your parrot on this shoulder, or this shoulder?" You giggle and put your arm around him.

"Haha..well..I...uh..gotta go. Bye!" He runs like the devil was chasing him. "Well that's clearly not what you're supposed to do." You say to yourself as you watch him sprint into the door and faceplant on the ground in an attempt to leave the room.

'Man, I suck at this.' You think to yourself.

"Ahem." You hear an annoyingly familiar voice clear his throat. "Yes?" You force a smile at Kyoya. "What did I tell you?" He sighs and face palms.

"I didn't necessarily not do what you told me to not do?" You tell him but are confused at your own statement.

"I swear you're just like Tamaki." He huffs under his breath. " I done?" You pretend you didn't hear his comment that you assumed was an insult.

"The host club closed after you sent that guy running for his life. What exactly did you do?" He stares at you with cold eyes. "I..erm...pickup lines?" You chuckle nervously. He sighs once again. "So picky." You cross your arms.

Why is hosting so hard?

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