Chapter Sixteen(Hikaru/Kaoru Chapter 4): Happy New Year!

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Hey guys! OMG I haven't updated in a loooooooooong time. So sorry! I would just like to say: THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! It seems impossible that I've gotten so many reads and kind comments from you! I do read all my comments, and you guys are hilarious. Again, thanks so much for reading my story!

I recently noticed I'm missing a Mori chapter so I'll get on that after this chapter. By the way, this chapter takes place on New Years Eve, and yes, I am fully aware that it is not New Years. It's not even January XD. But I got the idea during New Years and I like it so...whatever.

Sorry for the long authors note, and I hope you like the chapter! ^u^


"Are you coming to the New Years Party, Y/N-chan?" Honey tugged at your dress with a cute smile on his face.

You shrug. "I don't think I have any other plans, so probably." Honey giggles, almost scarily as he walks away. You hear him whisper something to Haruhi and she slaps him in the arm with a red face. "We will not!"

Haruhi comes over to you, a light blush still on her face. "What was that about?" You raise an eyebrow. "Oh, it's nothing..." She replies, her eyes glued on the ground.

"Tamaki....New Years....Kiss..." She mumbles and you hear every word. "Ooooh!" You wiggle your eyebrows and she smacks you. You hold your hand up to your ear and shape it like a fake cellphone.

"Hello, is this the police? I'd like to report child abuse." You say just before the twins pull you away from Haruhi. "I demand to see a judge!" You dramatically call as they tug you to a table.

You now sat at a table with Kyoya, Mori, Hikaru, and Kaoru. Between the twins.

Glancing left, your gaze meets Kaoru's, but you immediately move your eyes somewhere else. Like to your right, where Hikaru sat. You look towards him, your eyes meeting for a split second before you turn away.

Okay. So things were a little awkward between you and the twins. Why?

Who knows! But every so often you'd catch an angry stare from Hikaru to Kaoru. Or a pleading gaze from Kaoru to Hikaru. And you were staring to figure out why.

You weren't totally dense. I mean, there's plenty of people who could be in love with someone who loved them just as much, but didn't realize it because they were well...stupid. At least when it comes to love.

But you knew. The twins were fighting over you. Sure, they'd never admit to it. But it was quite obvious. And judging by the interested and amused look on Kyoya the Ice Bear's face, it was very obvious.

Did you like the twins? Hell to the nope.

Don't you second guess yourself! You are not gonna check yourself into Heartbreak Hotel.

So what was your solution? Avoid the twins until they stopped liking you. And when around them, stop acting as awesome as you are. A totally foolproof plan. Please note the sarcasm.

Okay, so maybe you were just a bit dense when it came to love. But anyway, let's get back to the awkward table of awkwardness.

"So you are attending the New Years Party we're hosting?" Kyoya pushes up his glasses with a slight smirk, making you wonder what his intentions were.

"Yes..." You answer cautiously. You've learned to be careful when it comes to Kyoya and his smirks.

"Good, I was thinking it'd be a good opportunity for you to kiss a lucky customer at the countdown." He says, and your mouth hangs open. "Hello? Is anybody home in that smart brain of yours? No way am I kissing some dude." You fold your arms and flip your hair over your shoulder.

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