Chapter Ten(Tamaki Chapter 2): Shady Twins and Jealousy?

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First of all, THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I have so many reads and I'm so happy! To be honest, I thought this book would get no reads at all and I'd be all sad and alone forever. I'd love suggestions too! Thank you all for voting and commenting, it means so much!
Enjoy the update!


You made your way down the halls, humming slightly. You were heading to your first class when someone crashed into you.

You dropped all of your books that you were holding and fell on the ground.

"Oops." A girl with short brown hair snickered and walked away. You sighed and picked up your things just as the bell rang.

"Crap." You moaned. This had been happening all week. You didn't get why all the girls at this school loved terrorizing you so much.

You trudged to class and slipped inside, sitting in your seat in the far back. The teacher was writing something on the board so she didn't notice.

Or she just didn't care. If I were a high school teacher, I wouldn't care about much either.

Suddenly, as you were getting out your book and turning to page twelve, the door swung open.

"Ah, yes. Class, from now on, Mr. Suoh will be joining us." The teacher beams. "Why?" Someone calls out from behind you.

"Er...some sort of...*ahem*.Volcanic eruption." She mutters the last part.

"Sit where you'd like." She smiled at him. As expected, all of the girls squirmed in their seats and crossed their fingers tight in hopes he'd sit next to them. Get a life, ladies.

"Hey Y/N!" Tamaki gives you a signature grin and sits next to you. You feel anger and hatred radiating from the girls around you.

"Hey...Tamaki.." You state awkwardly. You didn't know him too well, but somehow just being around him gave you butterflies in your stomach.

"Now.." The teacher rambled on for a while when you felt a piece of paper hit your neck and fall to the ground.

You glance down to see a crumpled piece of paper next to you. You casually pick it up and scan for the thrower, but everyone looks normal, staring at the teacher as she lectures.

You open the paper and see this written in sloppy handwriting: Stay away from Tamaki!

You roll your eyes and toss the paper into the trash. The girls at Ouran really hated you. It was pretty obvious to you now why they did.

Tamaki is a dense idiot and treats all girls like princesses. They need to get over it or maybe not take out their rage on you.

Class was soon over and Lunch just happened to be next.

"What do you have for lunch?" Tamaki chirps and you can't help but say "Rainbows, unicorns, and bunnies!" in the most sarcastic tone you could muster.

You weren't too happy go lucky and people who were seemed weird to you. Like morning people. *shudder* How do they do it?

Tamaki gasps quietly. He then leans in really close to your face, making you blush and other girls glare.

"Isn't that illegal?" He whispers in your ear with a worried expression.

"Idiot." You whack him over the head and walk to the lunch table with Haruhi and the others.

"Haruhi!" Tamaki clings to the brunette. "Ugh, get off me senpai." Haruhi groans and pushes him off.

He huddled in the corner of the lunch room with a depressed aura around him. "Is...he okay?" You watch as he starts to build what looks like some sort of nest...

"We'll fix it." The twins grin with an evil tint in their eyes.

"Haruhi, you've got dirt on your nose." Hikaru says and Haruhi looks over. "Here, let me." He says with a smirk as he leans in close and strokes her nose. That got Tamaki's attention real quick.

"You...shady twin!!" Tamaki shouts and swings his arms at Hikaru but to no prevail. "It's fine, Tamaki." Haruhi rolls her eyes. "Fine?" Tamaki huffs and folds his arms.

You walk close to him. "We should get them back for that, right Tamaki?" You whisper slowly in his ear with a mischievous smile.

He nods and you mouth: Watch this.

You casually stroll over to Hikaru and Kaoru with a smirk similar to theirs. "Hey, Kaoru. What's that on your cheek?" You ask and place your hand delicately on his cheek. Now the two of you were centimeters apart.

"W-what Y-Y/N?" Kaoru stutters. You glance at a jealous Hikaru and prepare to kiss Kaoru's cheek but you are quickly pulled away.

At first, you assumed it was just Kaoru's protective twin Hikaru. But...nope.

"What was that? Yeah it made Hikaru upset, but you were gonna kiss Kaoru? Are you crazy?" Tamaki blurts out without hesitation.

"All the best people are." You smile and place a hand on his shoulder. "Relax, don't get so protective it's not like I'm your daughter, I'm not Haruhi." You chuckle.

"I know that. It's a different kind of protective." Tamaki mumbles as he looks deep in thought.

"Like a sister?" You question as you walk next to him back to the group where a flustered Kaoru and a grumpy Hikaru sit with the others.

"Not that either." He says and you feel heat rising to your cheeks.

"L-Like a girlfriend?" You manage to get out. You were kinda scared to hear the answer, Did Tamaki really think of you romantically? Your heart was racing fast when he answered.

"Nope." Tamaki pops the p and is suddenly back to his happy self. You let out your breath and punch him in the shoulder. "Ouch." He pouts and you laugh.

"At least I think so.." You hear him mutter as if he didn't expect anyone to hear.

Those words stuck in your head as you and the rest of the club left the academy. He probably didn't actually say that, it was just your imagination.


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