Chapter Thirty Eight (Kaoru Chapter 9): The Host Club Festival

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Your comments are so sweet that I just had to update🥺

Do you guys want me to keep this book going?

Now that I have a bit more free time than before, I'm seriously considering it. Or maybe I should start a new one? Let me know, lovely peeps!

Anywho, I hope you enjoy this chapter, sorry for the hiatus!!

Love you all and thanks so much for your support!




You sat up groggily on your bed, mindlessly flicking through your phone. Your hair was sticking up every which way and your eyes were sunken from lack of sleep.

You had just gotten off the phone with Tamaki, who excitedly told you to get to the host club right away for preparations for the host club festival.

You may have hung up on him half way through his rant about literally every detail of the festival, including what color Haruhi was going to be wearing.

Now, you weren't a morning person in general but you maybe had stayed up a tad late watching anime.


Begrudgingly, you tore yourself away from the comfortable oasis that was your bed and got ready as quickly as you could.

After staring at yourself in the mirror and feeling both like a crusty slug and an ethereal goddess at once, you stuck your phone inside your pocket and skipped out the door.

You decided to walk to school since it was a beautiful day outside and you had been so incredibly busy with studying in the recent days that you had rarely seen the light of day.

Soon enough, you had just about reached the overwhelming gates of Ouran Academy when you heard a familiar voice call out to you.


You turned around with a flip of your hair in the wind, that you'd like to think looked pretty epic and much like you were in an indie movie.

You were met with Kaoru's dreamy eyes and equally adorable smile.

"Hey, Kaoru." You waved and instinctively tugged at your clothes to make sure they weren't wrinkled.

"You're here early. It's a nice day, isn't it?" A small tuft of his hair fluttered in the soft breeze that caught your eye. As if he couldn't be more perfect. If this was an indie movie, he'd be a main character for sure.

"Early? I thought I was on time, according to Tamaki." You furrowed your brows and put a finger to the corner of you lip in confusion.

Kaoru let out a short laugh.

"Oh, sorry. I only say that because Kyoya and Hikaru don't usually show up for at least another two hours. And I uh-didn't take you for an early bird."

You crossed your arms in fake defensiveness.

"How dare you make such assumptions? I am shocked, Kaoru. Shocked." You shook your head and clicked your tongue rhythmically.

You shrugged.

"But nah, that makes sense." You coughed awkwardly.

"Can I carry your bag?" He gestured to your belongings.

Your heart fluttered a bit at his gentlemanliness but you refused nonetheless.

"I'm good, thanks. You're very hot though." You said nonchalantly.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2020 ⏰

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