Chapter Twenty Five(Mori Chapter 5): Rose Gardens

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"We're actually good at baking cupcakes. But we sabotaged our own station so that you would help us bake." Hikaru beams and you want to slap his smile off of his face.
"Again, why would anyone do that?"

Kaoru grins evilly along with Hikaru before answering:

"I don't know, why don't you ask Mori?"

"W-What do you mean?" You narrowed my eyes at the twins, your brain put two and two together, but you still refused to believe it. "Why would I need to ask Mori?"

"Are you really that stupid?" Hikaru asked, putting his hands on his hips and then moving them away once they got covered in cake batter.

"Mori lives with Honey, do you honestly think he hasn't picked up a few things about baking?" Kaoru flipped his hair and got a bit of batter in his eyes at the motion.

"So he did it on purpose?" You grabbed the twins by their earlobes, "Why would he do that? We're supposed to sell these at the Host Club Festival tomorrow!"

"Ow! Well now we aren't telling!" The twins cried out and you let go of their ears, annoyed.

"Tell me!"

"What are you willing to do for that information, Y/N?"

"You two are so annoying! I'll do anything!"


"Anything within reason, you creeps!"

The twins grabbed you by the hands and pulled you off towards their kitchen station, "First, you can help us clean ourselves up and then you have to spend the whole day with us~"

You just let yourself be dragged off by the twins, unaware of Mori sneaking occasional glances in your direction.


After you had painstakingly wiped every inch of batter off of each twin's faces, you crossed your arms over your chest and glared at the two of them.

"Are you going to tell me now?"

"No way! You still have to spend the day with us~!"

"Listen here you little shi-" You looked up and saw Mori glancing over here, your eyes met for a second before he turned away and went back to helping Honey make his candies.

When you stopped staring at Mori, the twins had smug smirks on their faces and you sighed, "Fine whatever, I'll spend the day with you."

They cheered for a moment before grabbing you by the hands again, and pulled you along between them as they left school grounds.

"Do you have any idea how mad Kyoya will be when he sees you didn't finish your baking?!"

"We already asked him, he said he was just going to order some cupcakes and we can decorate those before the festival starts!" The twins shrugged it off as they continued to pull you along.

Again, you didn't notice Mori excuse himself from Honey's station, and trail along behind you and the twins,

"Please don't murder me out here-" You paused, still being dragged, "Actually no, please kill me."

"Aw, we aren't that bad."

"Would you just tell me why he sabotaged himself?"

"I think you already know why, and you just want to spend time with us~!"

"I think I do know, but don't really think that anyone could feel affection towards a potato such as myself, and am therefore in a state of denial over anyone thinking worth anything more than just that- a potato."

"Wait are you seriou-" The twins stopped and turned around to look at you, but then glanced behind you for a second, "Mori-Senpai?"

You froze up and turned around slowly to find Mori emerging quietly from behind a bunch of trees.

Hikaru turned to his twin with a small smirk playing at his lips, "I think it's better if we let Mori deal with this~"

"Yeah, I think it'd be best for Y/N and Mori to have a long chat out here, in the romantic rose garden."

You quickly looked around you, and found that they had in fact dragged you to the most romantic and beautiful places on campus, the famous Ouran Rose Garden. When you turned back around, the twins were gone, leaving only you and Mori standing right in the center of the most extravagant garden in the country.

He stared down at you silently.

"Why did you follow me out here? And why did you sabotage your baking station?"

He continued to stare at you silently.

"I didn't mean what I said about myself being a potato!"

He stared at you,

"Ok, so maybe I have some self-esteem issues! It doesn't matter anyway!"

You blinked back the moisture building in your eyes, "It's not like it's important! You have Honey to look after, you don't need anyone as useless as me!"

He took a deep breath and you quickly turned away from him, about to bolt off into the rose garden before he pulled you towards him, and into a hug. You were paralyzed for a moment, and took in a deep breath, accidentally inhaling his scent. He smelled like vanilla and books.

His deep voice surprised you and brought you to your senses as he mumbled into your shoulder, "You aren't useless."

You used every ounce of your willpower to push him away and try and run away, but his hand secured itself tightly on your wrist. You cried out in pain and Mori's emotionless face melted into one of fear as he instantly let go of your wrist.

You pulled my arm close to your chest and stared at him in the eyes for almost a full minute before his mouth opened to speak and you started running through the garden.

You didn't stop until you were at home and in bed, shoving your face into your pillow, screeching. Your wrist was fine, it would probably just leave a bruise, but you were a complete idiot today.

If he liked you before... he sure as hell doesn't like you now.

It was just your luck that you were going to have to face him the next day at the Host Club Festival.

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