Chapter Four (Kyoya Chapter 1): Who Does He Like?

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A/N: Hello my lovely readers! Just want to say THANK YOU for all the reads! You're awesome!😝😝

After your first day at Ouran Academy, where you worked as a hostess(you still don't know why you did it) you laid down in your bed in your tiny apartment.

You decided to live in an apartment on your own rather than living in a grand mansion with tons of maids, waiters, etc. You liked being independent. Letting random thoughts take over your head, you drifted off to sleep.

In the early morning, you did your regular morning routine and headed out the door. You weren't sure how your second day of hosting would go, but you knew one thing.

Everyone at Ouran Academy is crazy. Completely insane. Oh well. You'll manage. Somehow..

You walked into the host club where everyone was already and sat on a couch, blowing a piece of hair out of your face with a grumpy expression on your face.

"Kaoru's ticklish almost everywhere." Hikaru teased and Kaoru pouted and said "Hikaru! You're embarrassing me!" With a fake blush. You simply roll your eyes. So many things are wrong with this club..

"Oh Kyoya! You're so cool!" A group of fan girls gushed over the devil himself. You didn't like his kind. Arrogant, self absorbed, emotionless, spoiled rich guys.

After hosting a few guys(no pickup lines this time), the host club closed for classes. You began to leave when someone grabbed your arm.

"Yes?" You huffed in annoyance at Kyoya. "I need to talk to you." He stared at you with his sharp eyes. "Sorry, but I got class." You glared and pulled your arm away.

Without looking behind you, you walked into your class. The one you were in with Hikaru, Kaoru, and Haruhi. "I think he likes her." You hear someone say from behind you. "Kyoya? The only thing he likes is himself."

You turn around and see the twins and Haruhi whispering. "What makes you say that?" Haruhi asks.

"He constantly wants her attention. I mean, did you see him today in the host club? He was-" Hikaru stopped as he saw you. You gave him a smile and went over to them. "Whatcha talking about?" You say and everyone freezes. What's their deal?

"N-Nothing." Hikaru replied. "Oh come on! Who does Kyoya like?" You laugh lightly and look at each of them. "Um.." They say. "HIKARU! KAORU! HARUHI! STOP TALKIG THIS INSTANT! CLASS HAS BEGUN! Oh, and Y/N dear, please take a seat." The teacher yells at everyone but you.

We obey the teacher and open our textbooks. Who does Kyoya like? Probably one of his crazy fan girls. After class ended, you didn't see the twins or Haruhi. But you'd see them at the host club anyhow. You slowly made your way to the host club, dreading hosting. You had a little bit of social anxiety when talking to humans.

But once you came into the host club you took a deep breath and sat down on a couch. Every time you came into the host club and watched the others, only one thought came into your head: Why the hell did I agree to this?

"What up, sweetheart?" A voice says behind you. Oh god no. Not another one.
You ignore your dignity, pride, and the little voice in the back of your head screaming, and smile at the guy. "Hello." You say in a weird high pitched voice you use when hosting.

"You're pretty hot." He says and wraps his arm around your shoulder. "Thanks?" You reply, very uncomfortable with the situation. But you knew better than to start yapping like a chihuahua at this guy because you'd get into trouble with Kyoya.

"You want to go somewhere else?" He whispers in your ear and you shudder. "N-No thanks." You answer. "Why not? You waiting for some other guy who's better looking than me? Cause princess, I'm the best there is." He states proudly. Big ego, small brain.

"I um-" You begin but are cut off.

"Would you leave? You're disrupting my hostess." A cold voice orders. Kyoya? "And what if I dont?" The guy challenges. Kyoya steps forward and removes the guys arm from my shoulder harshly. Then he leans in and whispers something in his ear you can't hear.

Whatever he said sent the guy running like you had used a pickup line on him.

"Thanks." You say and for the first time, smile at him. "Whatever." He states, disinterest smeared across his face.

Why are men so cold? (T_T)

If he hates me, then why did he..? Whatever. Oh, you almost forgot! You ran up to Hikau and Kaoru once hosting was over. "Hey, guys, who does Kyoya like?" You didn't really understand why you were so curious. It's not like you like him.

"Um.." Kaoru stares at the ground. "He likes you." Hikaru says bluntly and they walk away together.

Kyoya...likes me?

Pfft nah.

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