Chapter Fourteen(Tamaki Chapter 3): Movie Night

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Current you were sitting on Tamaki's couch with the rest of the host club with a terrified expression on your face.

Honey and Haruhi mirrored your fear and you think Honey was actually shaking. You were afraid to see what would happen next.

You were praying that the twins wouldn't go through with it.

An hour earlier:

"Movie night!" Tamaki exclaimed as he jumped onto a very unamused Kyoya. Apparently every month the host club had a movie night where everyone got together and watched a movie. It seemed innocent enough.

"Guess who's turn it is to pick the movie!" The twins laughed with evil grins.

"No!" Honey whimpered with anime tears streaming down his face as he took another bite of his strawberry cake. "Not again..." Haruhi groaned.

"What's so bad about the twins picking the movie?" You asked them. You didn't think a couple of friends getting together and watching a movie that a the twins picked would be that bad.

Honey latched onto your arm and Haruhi stood beside you. "It's not the movie night that's bad. It's...the kind of movie they'll pick."

"What about the movie?" You wondered and they shuttered. "Seriously, what is wrong with a simple movie?" You exclaimed, though the build up made you afraid to hear the answer.

"Well, Tamaki decided it would only be fair if we all got to pick a movie each month. And it's the twins turn to pick the movie..." Haruhi explained. You really didn't get why this was a problem.

"But," Honey grasped your arm tighter. "They always picks a horror movie!" He sobs and runs over to Mori.

Were horror movies that bad? And how were they so sure that the twins would pick a horror movie?


"So? Have you ever seen a horror movie?" Haruhi shakes your shoulders. "But you don't know that the twins will chose a horror movie!" You say and try to reassure her.

"I swear those Hitachiins want to torture us!" She mutters angrily. "But I thought you don't get scared easily?" You question and she nods. "But I hate jump scares!" Haruhi replies as she folds her arms.

...jump scares?

"Prepare to die..." Honey says darkly as he walks by with a dismal expression. Now you were officially scared.

So here you were. Crossing your fingers they had picked something like Frozen. "We picked..." They smiled wickedly and paused for dramatic effect.

"Kung Fu Panda!" They chirp happily. "Really?" Everyone's jaws dropped.


So close...

"We chose The Conjuring!" They cackle evilly. "No!" Haruhi cries as she slips off the couch. "Why?" Honey sobs into Mori's arms.

"R-Really? Do we have to?" You give them your best puppy dog eyes. "Cute, but still no." Hikaru places the disk into the DVR and you await your death.

A few minutes into the movie and you were already sitting in the edge of the sofa, biting your fingernails.

A jump scare occurs and you scream and leap from the couch. Now terrified, you scramble behind the sofa and stare at the wall.

A tap on your shoulder makes you jump and shriek. "Sorry." You turn to see Tamaki crouching next to you.

"You okay?" He asks with a small smile. "Just peachy." You mutter and he chuckles.

"Come on, it's not that bad." He tugs on your wrist and pulls you to back to the couch.

You sit next to Tamaki just as another jump scare happens and you unwillingly jump into his arms.

"S-Sorry." You quickly pull away, a light redness on your face that you hoped was hidden in the darkness of the room.

After a painfully long time, the lights turned on. And there you went again, embarrassing yourself further.

Your arms were tightly wrapped around Tamaki's waist and your eyes were squeezed shut. "Sorry!" You do a weird backflip away from him and hit your head on the floor.

"It's fine." He says and a tint of pink is evident on his face. You tried to ignore the twins and Kyoya's evil smirks.

You cough to break the silence and stand up. "I have only one thing to say."

Everyone's eyes are on you as you announce with a glare at the twins: "No objections. The next movie we watch will be Frozen."

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