Chapter Thirty Four: CHRISTMAS SPECIAL (All)

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Hi everybody, it's your favorite author! Hahahaha, funny joke haha. But my lovely readers I have returned just like Santa to bring you all a gift! A hecking Christmas special! (even though it's not on Christmas because I suck but THIS TOOK FOREVER TO WRITE SO shhhhhh)

Basically this chapter includes:

- A one shot with every single host (including Honey and Haruhi)!!!!!

-All with the length of real chapters (this whole chapter totals 6271 words)

-A weird parallel universe where you're dating them but...not at the same time? Honestly I really don't know so don't ask me just go with it

-A loving Author-Chan who just wants you to enjoy this chapter!

Merry Christmas!❤️



"Can you please explain to me why we need to get a tree for the host club?"

You and Kyoya stood outside the tree yard, your hands intertwined. The air smelt like the crisp smokiness of winter, and with every breath you could feel your lungs tightening in response to the cold.

You glared at Kyoya's unenthusiastic remark, hitting him lightly in the shoulder.

"Because it's Christmas." You retorted, tapping the bell on the elf hat you forced onto his head with a playful smile.

He raised an eyebrow and shook his head but the two of you walked in, the overwhelming scent of pine washing over your senses. The array of greenery against the white contrasted beautifully and the dash of color from the clothing of passerby added to the masterpiece that was the winter experience.

"Let's just pick one and go." He checked his watch and you pulled your hand from his dramatically.

"First of all, how dare you? Second of all, how dare you? Third of all, how dare you? Fourth of all, ho-"

He cut you off with a short peck on your lips.  You pouted, folding your arms over your chest.

"You don't need to always do that to shut me up you know."

"Oh? Would you like me to stop?" He said, tilting your chin up with a light smirk playing on his lips. His hands were just above your rear, and you blushed furiously.

"No..." You grumbled as he wrapped one arm around your shoulders.

"Are you cold?" Kyoya questioned, his tone, as always, every bit as icy as the weather.

"A little."

You tucked a piece of hair behind your ear, your nose as red as Rudolph's. You could, feel a twinge of numbness on the tip of your nose as well as on your foolishly gloveless fingertips.

He leaned in a bit closer, his breath warm against your skin, before saying:

(A/N: "Well damn Jackie I don't control the weather.")

"Here, take mine."

He removed his coat and placed it on your shoulders. It smelled of cologne and well...Kyoya.

"Are you sure you won't be cold?" You worriedly asked, stroking the side of his arm.

"Ice bears don't get cold." He nudged you playfully and you got upon your tiptoes and planted a kiss on his cheek. He rolled his eyes, but couldn't hide the small smile that had spread across his pale face.

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