Chapter Twenty Six(Tamaki Chapter 6): Elevators and Awkwardness

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You had just tried to kiss Tamaki Suoh and he had pulled away. Of course this meant that he had no romantic feelings for you whatsoever. You had just been rejected.

Your concussion or whatever had healed up nicely, however the pain of getting rejected would forever leave emotional scars that would never fully heal.

You still had to go to school and the host club, which made everything 10x more awkward. Three classes a day and then going to the club for nearly two hours straight? On top of that, he's been ignoring you ever since that day- which only made you feel more like crap than before.

What the actual hell is wrong with you? You knew he only liked you as a 'daughter' and you still went and tried to make out with him!

Just as these thoughts flooded your brain, Tamaki walked by you. You knew you shouldn't, but of course, you did anyway.

"H-Hey, Tamaki!" You call out to him, waving your hand before the anxiety set in. Why in gods name did you ever think that was a good idea?

He glanced at you before quickly looking down and moving on down the hall.

Oh joy.

Why did you have to do that? Why. Just why. Why.

Is there no god?

This was humiliating. You tried to kiss him and now he can barely look you into the eyes. Why.

And with the host club festival coming tomorrow, how on earth were you going to survive?

"Hey, Y/N~" Two voices sung in your ears and you sighed heavily.

"I'm not in the mood, guys."

"Awe, you're no fun."

The twins blinked back at you, waiting for you to say something.

"Something wrong?" Kaoru asked and Hikaru nodded in agreement. "Something's bothering you."

"Have you noticed Tamaki being weird lately?" You question them hesitantly.

"Hmm...not really." Hikaru answered abruptly. Kaoru whacked him in the back of the head, "Yes, we have, Hikaru!"

"He's been acting kinda weird, I guess." Hikaru shrugged. "Quieter than usual."

"Oh." You sighed, letting out a breath of embarrassment and anxiousness.

"Well, um, if he says anything about me, or something that may have, uh, happened between us, would you mind telling me?" You asked nervously, twiddling with your fingers.

"Oooooh, what do you mean, Y/N? Did something happen~" Hikaru poked you multiple times.

Kaoru ignored him and nodded at you.

"Sure." Kaoru smiled before dragging Hikaru off as he sung the K-I-S-S-I-N-G song.


"DEPARTMENT STORE!" The twins cheered, their eyes sparkling with excitement.

You and the rest of the host club were on a journey to the department store to explore the wonders of commoner lifestyles...apparently.

You didn't really know what was going on except that Kyoya had called you saying that Tamaki had requested the host club have fun at the department store. you were. Following around these idiots who were wowed by melon flavored candy.

"Oh my gosh look at that! A public elevator!" Hikaru ran for the elevator, followed by everyone else chasing after him.

"Hikaru, wait for me! You're gonna get lost on your own!" Kaoru called for him.

Hikaru lunged for the near full elevator, everyone else jumping in quickly, shoving tightly into it with a lot of other people.

Your face turned a shade of pink as you stood shoulder to shoulder with Tamaki, your fingertips touching.

Suddenly, you and Tamaki were roughly shoved out of the elevator. You almost fell over but then Tamaki grabbed you by the arm.

"Oops, sorry! Too many people!" Hikaru yelled to the two of you before the metal doors shut.

"T-Thanks." You told Tamaki as he let go of your arm.

"N-No problem." He replied, looking anywhere but at you.

Did he just stutter?

No, it had to be your imagination, right?

The two of you stood awkwardly as you waited for the next elevator so you could catch up with everyone else.

"Those twins sure are a menace, huh?" You smiled weakly, attempting to make conversation.

He said nothing. You took a deep breath.

"Listen, Tamaki, about before when I-"

"Oh look the next elevator, let's go!" Tamaki interrupted you before eagerly hopping into the elevator that had just come down.

You followed, biting your lip softly. You guess he didn't want to talk about it.

"Let's just forget about it, okay? It was stupid. And now it's super awkward between us and I don't want it to be so...friends?" You rambled, staring deeply into his eyes that finally met your gaze.

You noticed a slight change in his eyes, it was small but you could see what could've been...hurt? But it faded as quickly as you noticed it and he nodded with a small grin.



Why...? Oh why? Why is Author-chan so horrible?

These are the thought of my readers right now and for this I apologize.

I was just minding my own business, you know binging on some anime, when it hit me. I HAVE NOT UPDATED IN TWENTY BILLION FREAKING YEARS.

So, here you go. This chapter is terrible but I swear things will get better.

As I've mentioned several times, I have big plans for the next chapters.

Do you ever just plan for something in the future but then you can't get there unless you do stuff before it that you didn't plan for? Did that make any sense? Probs not.

Anywho, thank you so so so much for being so supportive and awesome!!

Thanks for reading my crappy fanfiction!!


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