Chapter Twenty Three(Kyoya Chapter 6): Complications

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Music Room 3 was in chaos.

Yells were heard left and right, yours included.

"Why would you say that?" You angrily exclaim at Kyoya shrugs. "Why not?"

"Wait, you two actually...?" Haruhi asks surprised, and you nod with an exasperated sigh. "Yes."

"It hardly matters anyway." Kyoya says. "I was only teasing Y/N. The kiss meant absolutely nothing and we will all know it as that."

Why was he so bipolar? First he's upset about the kiss, then he thinks it's funny to bring up, and now he doesn't care about it? Why are men so complicated?!

"Shall we continue the game following this awkward silence?" Hikaru suggests.

"I am not kissing Kyoya...again." You fold your arms and grumble unfriendly terms under your breath.

"I couldn't care less either so I suppose we agree this game is rather foolish. We have better things to do with our time. Tamaki?" Kyoya states before walking off with Tamaki to discuss host club matters.

"He's just so...infuriating!" You huff before exiting the room yourself.

"Ah, to be young and to feel love's keen sting." Hikaru sighs dreamily.

Later that week, all of the drama had blown over and you and Kyoya were back on the terms you were on previously. Eye rolls and sassy comebacks.

Obviously, Kyoya didn't care about the kiss. Or your feelings, apparently. What an ice bear this boy is.

So you just decided to forget about it. Even if whenever you thought about it, you got got all tingly and your stomach felt all weird and your heart felt like it was beating a mile a minute and your face got all red and hot and your breathing got all shaky and you got all nervous and you couldn't look Kyoya in the eye and you felt really strange inside.

Forgetting was probably the best option. Besides, at least then you wouldn't have all of those weird feelings about the kiss and Kyoya. Yay for no feelings! *cough* Kyoya *cough*

You sat on the couch by yourself and nibbled at a small sugar cookie with a sloppy smiley face on it made of frosting. The club was fairly loud today and quite crowded as girls eagerly waited their turn to be praised by cute rich boys.

"Y/N." A voice is heard from behind you and a cold hand is placed on your shoulder, sending a shiver down your back.

You quickly turn to see none other than ice bear Kyoya. "Clearly you're not doing anything productive, so may I speak with you privately?" He asks, slipping a bit of an insult in his question.

You roll your eyes for what was probably the ten billionth time ever and nod hesitantly.

As you follow him into one of the connecting rooms, you ask, "What's this all about?"

When you reach the room, he shuts the door and turns around swiftly before stepping merely centimeters away from you. "W-What are you doing?" You step back slightly and he chuckles. "You're too easy."

You send him an angry glare. "And they call you the 'cool type'. Ha, more like the...fool type." You gasp loudly.

"Oh my gosh that was great I'm so funny hahahahhahahahahhaha-"

"Y/N." Kyoya narrows his eyes at you and you frown. "Fine, what is it that you wanted to talk about?"

"Well...I need a favor."

You almost laugh. Kyoya needing a favor from you?

"So, my father...he kind of wants me to get married. Or at least, engaged." He continues before you interrupt him.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. I am not marrying you, Ootori!" You say rather loudly before he shushes you. "Wha-no! I'm not asking you to marry me."

You sigh in relief. I mean, you didn't really want to marry him. couldn't be so bad, could it?

"Anyway, in order to get out of it, I may have told him that I already have a girl that I plan to"

"You want me to pretend to be your-" You exclaim very loudly before he shushes you again.

"Yes. I would've made Haruhi do it, but my father already knows who she is and you're rich, too." Kyoya explains and sighs. "I wouldn't do this if I didn't have to."

"Are you sure about this?" You ask uneasily.

A part of you actually did want to see what it was like to be Kyoya's, well, pretend girlfriend. Wow, it sounds even dumber when you put it like that. What, were the two of you in a fanfiction? If you were, it clearly wouldn't be a good one with this sad excuse for a plot.

"Very." He says as he pushes up his glasses. "Will you do it?"

You sigh deeply and fold your arms indifferently. "Fine."


Why do I suck. Who knows.

I am a horrible author-chan right now. I haven't updated in forever! Dear god.

Deer God. *insert picture of a deer god* 

Anywho, I am super sorry. I just hit a huge writers block because I didn't really like how these Kyoya chapters were going. They're just kind of out of character and cliche. So I apologize for that. But I couldn't just not update forever, so here's the chapter. And I know it's terrible, you don't have to tell me.

But! I have something really exciting planned for the future of this book and I promise I'm not gonna take fifty billion years to update like this last time.

Seriously though, you guys are gonna love it!

Also, if there are guys reading my book, which I'm not sure there are, I'm sorry I only use female pronouns, too. Thought I'd say that just in case it's bothering someone.

So, I'm sorry for the long update, short chapter, and long authors note. But I will definitely update within the week and the awesome surprise is gonna be soon!

Thank you all so very very much for all the reads and comments! I read almost every comment and you have to be some of the funniest people on wattpad.

Thanks and sorry again!


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