Chapter Twenty Seven(Kyoya Chapter 7): Acting~

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You could not believe you agreed to this.

It was bad enough you had to face him all the time at the host club, but at least you could give him the cold shoulder. Now you had to be all lovey dovey whenever someone was looking. Apparently the two of you had to look "convincing".

"Y/N, won't you come sit with me?" A sickeningly sweet voice calls out cheerfully. He'd been acting like this whenever you were at the host club during business hours AKA during school.

"Sure, my darling Kyoya!" You reply, plastering the most disgustingly happy smile you could muster onto your face.

You sit beside him at one of the tables as a few girls begin to flock around the two of you.

"So you two really are dating?" A girl with dark midnight blue hair with pigtails says, her baby blue eyes flickering with slight annoyance.

"Yup!"You giggle and playfully punch his shoulder. Oh, did you say playfully? Ha ha, let's just say Kyoya was most likely holding back tears. Come on, he deserved something for making you do this ridiculous favor. His dad wasn't even here!

"You two are adorable!" Another girl with blonde hair and brown eyes grins.

"Of course we are," Kyoya flashes a smile and it takes everything you have to keep your eyes from rolling right out of your skull.

Before you could even give your consent, Kyoya plants a soft kiss on your cheek, causing the girls to squeal from fangirling and jealousy.

While they were distracted as they fawned over what had taken place seconds ago, you turned and glared daggers at him.

"What was that?" You say through gritted teeth.

"Acting~" He says with a smirk. He's enjoying this, isn't he?

Well, two can play at that game.

"Eskimo kiss!" You cheer and pull his face close to yours, brushing your noses together in the process. More fangirling from the girls watching.

Kyoya pulls away faster than you thought he would considering the two of you were acting and you notice what looks like a bit of blush on his face. Ha! Take that, Ootori!

"What are you doing?" He whispers to you and you wink sarcastically.


"Only I'm allowed to initiate." He rolls his eyes and you laugh lightly.

"Why is that?"

From the distance you hear Hikaru call out, "Kyoya tops!"

What the actual-


As the day went by, you continued to pretend with Kyoya and after a while, it wasn't so bad. Besides, fake Kyoya was a whole lot nicer than cold Kyoya.

But then again, you kind of missed the ice bear that is the real Kyoya. It just... wasn't him.

Soon enough, the club had emptied and the host club was getting ready to leave for the day.

You groaned and tugged on Kyoya's bag. "How much longer do we have to do this? Your dad isn't even watching."

Kyoya turns his attention to you as the two of you begin exiting the building. "Just until after you meet my father. And believe me, my father is always watching. Especially since I mentioned you."

He stops walking and his glasses reflect on the sunlight seeping through the large windows by the main entrance hall.

"Of course, I can't be sure my father even cares about this whole marriage thing at all. But he just kept pushing me to marry like my brothers."

He sighs heavily. "When is he going to realize I can't be like my brothers?"

Your expression softens as you register his words. Surprisingly enough, you put a hand on his shoulder. "You're not defined just by what your father thinks of you, you know."

Even though you seemed like you weren't too fond of Kyoya, you knew how hard it can be to have the weight of the world on your shoulders. It might even be worse in Kyoya's case, considering he barely has any expectations at all except don't be a disgrace to your name.

You really did want to understand him. Judging on his attitude at the host club, you doubted anyone ever had truly understood Kyoya besides maybe Tamaki, and for some strange reason, you desired to understand the Kyoya within the calculative and cold exterior.

Suddenly, the world seems to come to a halt as the two of you stand in the hall, the sunset peeking through the windows beautifully. Sakura blossoms fly by in the wind and Kyoya takes a deep breath.

He smiles at you and you want to believe his happiness genuine, but after looking into his eyes, you know it's not. "Of course. Anyway, I-" He stops.

"Kyoya, you really shouldn't care about what your father thinks of you. I mean, what does he know about-" You tell him softly before he interrupts.

By pressing his lips against yours.

He held your waist tightly and you couldn't help but kiss back. You brushed your fingers delicately through his hair and melted into the kiss before Kyoya pulled away.

"I-" You begin to say before he interrupts you once more, this time with a less pleasant response.

He smirks and points to the limousine parked not too far away with a professionally dressed man standing beside it, watching the two of you. Someone his father sent to pick him up from school.

"Acting~" Kyoya says with an arrogantly cheerful chuckle.

You lightly push him forward, your face heating up slightly. "I-I knew that, dummy."

He laughs before beginning to walk off. "Well, then you were very convincing."

You scowl and roll your eyes before heading towards your ride home. You turn around. "When am I going to meet your father anyway?" You ask and Kyoya chuckles.

"At the Host Club Festival, of course."


Who's excited for the host club festival?? There's going to be a host club festival for each host's chapter.

There's gonna be an awesome surprise on those chapters!

I haven't decided if I want to end the book after the host club festival or not. I feel like I haven't written enough too end it, but I also hate being so slow with updates.

Let me know if you want me to keep going after I'm done with the next couple chapters.

Once again, you are all so amazing!!!! I can't even explain how great you guys are.

Thanks for reading and commenting!!


P.S. Am I the only one who was all like "B-Baka!" the whole time? XD No? Just me?

Edit: do you ever just read your chapter over after you've published it and then it's so cringe you want to die? Yeah.

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