Chapter Thirty One(Kyoya Chapter 8): The Host Club Festival

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Kyoya's POV

"Kyoya~" Tamaki whined loudly in my ear as I attempted to finish the arrangements for the host club festival.

"What is it, Tamaki?" My eye twitched slightly in annoyance.

"Y/N said I was annoying her, isn't that so mean?" He pouted, pointed to Y/N, who was carefully arranging flowers on the table.

"Well, then she'd be correct. You're annoying me as well." I smiled insincerely before Tamaki ran to Haruhi, saying something like 'Why is Momma so cruel'?

I rolled my eyes. He's such a child sometimes.

My eyes travelled to Y/N. She kept adjusting the flowers before she huffed when it didn't look good enough for her. She had an adorably irritated expression as she tucked a piece of hair behind her ear.

Then, she appeared to be happy with it when a satisfied smile crept onto her face.

Smirking, I walked over to her. "Hmm...looks a little crooked, doesn't it?"

She tossed her arms in the air and began fixing it again. I couldn't help not being guilty. Teasing her was just too much fun.

"Need help?" I asked, placing my hands on hers.

She immediately recoiled away from me and grabbed a plastic knife off the table, pointing it at my chest. "Don't you think I won't! I'll do jail time! I'll do it!" She shouted.

I let out a laugh. "Sure you will."

Agitated, she grabbed ahold of my tie and began sawing away at it with the plastic knife. "What are you doing?" I pulled away, a little bit flustered at how close she was.

"You challenged me." She shrugged, an innocent smile on her lips.

"There is no way you can possibly cut my tie in half like that." I rolled my eyes.

"You wanna bet?" She raised an eyebrow.

Before I could reply, two voices cut through the momentary silence.

"Hey lovebirds~"

I groaned at the very sound of their voices. "What do you want, you two?"

They batted their eyelashes. "Do we need to want something to be talking to you?"


They pouted, then looked at Y/N. "Oh, there's a guy that wants to see you."

My eye twitched slightly. "A guy? You're going to have to be more specific." I stated, jealousy dropping from my tone.

"Oh, don't worry I'll get it." Y/N scurried out the door, my eyes following her.

"Jeeeaaalllllooooouuusssss?" The twins sang in my ear, as if I wasn't annoyed enough.

"No." I answered in a monotone voice, attempting to ignore them. I turned around to attend to the festival matters once again.

"Then it won't bother you that he's totally asking her out?"

I sharply turned back around. "What?"

"Hey, sorry it took so long, Kyoya. I know how you hate it when I'm not working for more than half a second." Y/N skipped back into the room, interrupting the conversation the twins and I were having.

I blinked back at her. "So what did he want?" I tried to hide my curiosity inside.

"Ah, it was nothing. Hey guys, do you need help with the ballroom decorations?" She said, addressing the twins.

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