Chapter Thirteen(Hikaru/Kaoru Chapter 3): Jets and Hotels

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Thank you all for everything you hath brought upon thy book? Well, thank you for commenting and voting and reading and breathing and living!


P.S. Please don't come to my house and murder me because this chapter sucks, I kinda sorta want to live. Thanks!

You awoke to a loud ringing sound. You groaned, rolling around in your mess of blankets and pulled a pillow to your ears.

After a few seconds, it didn't stop and you realized it wasn't your alarm clock, but your phone. You shot up and fell out of your bed as you desperately grabbed your cell phone.

"Hello?" You ask, not caring to check the caller ID. "Finally you answered! You see it's Honey's birthday and-" Tamaki rambled through the phone.

Only Tamaki would call people at...You glanced at the time. 4:30am. "You know, some people value sleep." You sneer.

"What? Oh...Well, his birthday is tomorrow and we need to plan it!" Tamaki screeches and you sigh. "Why didn't you call Kyoya?"

You practically feel Tamaki's shudder through the phone as he whispers "Kyoya doesn't like to get up early..."

"Why must I be included in this party planning?" You groan. "Because!" Tamaki says.

You rub your eyes and sit up. "What are we gonna do for the party?"


After planning the perfect birthday party for Honey, the host club was gathered in Music Room 3 by Tamaki.

"Now, for Honeys party we will be headed to (insert any place you want, I'm too lazy. XD). Everyone pack your things!" He announced.

Well, a vacation from school didn't seem so bad. Everyone nodded and we agreed to all meet there tomorrow.

You begged Tamaki to take you with him on his private jet but he refused saying his was reserved for him and Haruhi.

So unfortunately, your ride there ended up being a private jet with the twins. Oh joy. You sighed. Those dumb Hitachiins.

"Looks like we're flying buddies." Kaoru grins as he puts an arm around you. With tinted pink cheeks, you give him a half smile and move away from him only to see Hikaru standing in front of you.

"Let's sit next to each other, Y/N!" He says and grabs your hand. Again, but your face turned an ever darker shade of red. "Stop it you oaf!" You tug your hand away, cross your arms over your chest and walk onto the jet.

As you walked on, you glanced back at the twins and saw them whispering to each other and shoving one another aside as they caught up with you. You will never understand those two. did seem strange how they seemed to compete against each other when they were around you,

The three of you got on the jet and you were forced to sit in between them. "Can't I just sit all the way over there?" You moan and they shake their heads in sync. "You have to sit with us." They smirk evilly and you shuffle in your seat uncomfortably.

The jet soon takes off and you barely get settled when you find yourself in the middle of a war between the twins.

Apparently twin brothers fight a lot. All you knew was that this fight that was once over a biscuit, has now turned into a fight about random things that they thought would insult each other.

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