Chapter Twelve(Kyoya Chapter 3): Forget it

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"W-what..?" You manage to say as Kyoya steps away from you and pushes up his glasses, expressionless.

"W-why did you k-kiss me?" You asked and he paused for a moment, with what looked like a sad expression but it quickly disappeared, and then he shrugged.

"It was an...experiment of sorts." Kyoya says and starts to walk away. "W-wait." You grab his wrist.

"Just forget it." He states coldly. Geez, bipolar much? You release his wrist and watch as he walks away.

"What...was that?" You think aloud. You place your hand in your hip and lean against the pillar. "Hey Y/N!" You hear a cheery voice approach you. You turn and see Tamaki and Hikaru coming towards you.

"Oh, h-hi guys."

"Have you seen Kyoya? He said he needed to do something and then just ran off. Weird, huh?" Hikaru grins at you. "Yeah...weird..."

"Are you okay? You seem a little distant." Tamaki puts a hand on your shoulder. "N-no I haven't seen Kyoya." You stutter and Hikaru looks into your eyes. "Oh...I see." Hikaru nods.

"What?" You exclaim. "You're upset because Kyoya got a lot of attention today, right?" Hikaru raises an eyebrow with a smug look on his face.

"No! Why would I care about that?" You fold your arms over your chest with a frown.

"Don't worry, Y/N. I actually think Kyoya likes you." Tamaki says with a wink.


"I know he likes you, I've never seen him stare at someone that much." Hikaru chuckles.

"No, he-" you try to say but Tamaki and Hikaru wouldn't listen.

"I wonder if he'll ask you out, maybe even kiss you."

"I'm just an experiment to him!" You blurt out and immediately cover your mouth. You didn't mean to tell Tamaki and Hikaru what you were feeling but it just came out.

You weren't sure what you felt about Kyoya, but there was something about his perfect smile, intelligent and snarky attitude, and beautiful onyx eyes that intrigued you. And the fact that he kissed you for an experiment made you feel like a thing, not a person.

Tamaki looks at you with an expression that's both worried and confused. "What are you talking about?"

"Just...never mind." You say quickly and race off in the opposite direction.

After running all the way home, you got into your house and locked the door.

What kind of experiment was that even? Randomly kissing a girl you barely knew who had what, a teensy tiny crush on you? Who does that? A guy who can get whatever girl he wants without even trying. You sigh.

After watching some TV, you fell asleep on your couch.


You woke up to the noise from hell. That stupid repetitive blaring noise that was the only alarm that actually woke you up.

You groaned loudly. Too bad, you had almost forgotten that it was still a weekday and you had to go to school.

Should you stay home? No, that would just show Kyoya that the kiss had bothered you and would make Tamaki and Hikaru worry.

You'll just go to school, and do what Kyoya told you to do.

Forget it.

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