Chapter Twenty Four(Hikaru/Kaoru Chapter 6): The Hitachiin Household

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"Is your hand okay?" You asked frantically as you and Kaoru walked towards the schools gates. "It's fine, Y/N." He replied as you tried to bandage it as the two of you walked.

"I can't believe I was being so absolutely stupid... Was I really that desperate? Yuck...and I can't believe you punched him..."

"Me neither. Man, this really hurts." He whimpered like a sweet little puppy and your heart melted. "Is there anything I can do to help?"

He thought for a moment. "How about you come to my house and nurse me back to health?" He grinned.

And before you knew it, you were at the Hitachiin mansion, entering through two large grand doors to escape the sudden rain that had begun outside, a storm starting to form as the daylight began to fade to night.

Kaoru sat on the couch and gestured you to follow.

"I'm so sorry about this, Kaoru." You sit next on him on his large couch, your eyes full of concern for his hand. "This? Nah, don't worry about it. It was totally worth it." He smiles sweetly at you and you smile back.

As you stared into each other's eyes in silence for what seemed like forever as the rain pelted outside on the windows, the door suddenly opened. There stood Hikaru, rain dripping off his hair and clothes.

He then looked up and noticed the two of you sitting there. "Tch." He grumbled before swiftly grabbing his bag and trudging up the stairs to his now separate room from Kaoru.

"Hi...Hikaru." Kaoru started before Hikaru's bedroom door slammed shut. His face fell and your heart ached slightly at the two brothers.

"I'm sorry about you and your's my fault, isn't it?" You gripped your bag tightly and Kaoru quickly turned his attention back to you.

He sat up in his seat. "No, no, no, this isn't you. It's just-"

"It's me."

"Me and Hikaru do this sometimes, we-"

"It's me."

"Really, it's just that-"

"It's me, Kaoru."

He sighs before nodding. "Yeah, I guess it is." You let out a deep sigh.

"But hey, it's okay. It's not like you can help being so adorable." Kaoru beams and your face flushes pink.

"But still. I hate to be in between you and your brother." You frown. This definitely was not what you wanted. You didn't want to be that girl.

"You're not. Or at least you won't be as soon as you...well, pick one of us."

"Pick one of you?" Your eye twitched and you held your bag tighter. After seeing your reaction, Kaoru shook his head vigorously.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that, it's just that...the reason we're not getting along so well right now is we're kind of fighting for your attention. Mostly because we don't really know how you feel about either of us. We just know how we feel about you."

He places a hand on yours, causing you to jump slightly at his touch.

"U-Um, it's getting kind of late, maybe I should get going?" You ramble and stand, slipping your hand away from Kaoru's nervously. It was completely dark out, you had completely lost track of time. But the rain and lightning still continued.

"In this weather? No, no please stay I insist." He smiles, his dimples becoming prominent.

Your face turned even redder than before. "You mean...stay the night?" You figured you'd have to considering it was relatively late and the weather was so bad.

"Sure!" He says cheerfully before realizing what you meant. His face darkened red. " can sleep in the guest room, of course!" He said quickly and you chuckled at his cuteness.

In a few moments, you had been shown where your room was by Kaoru and now stood outside the door of his room together after you decided you walk him to his room like as you had explained to him, a proper gentlewoman, which he thought was cute, so he let you.

"Alright. I'm sorry again about that guy...and about what I said to you before that." You bit your lip.

You felt a warmth in your hand as Kaoru held it in his. "You don't have to apologize."

Then, before you could even comprehend what was happening, he started to lean in toward your lips.

Oh god. He was going to kiss you, wasn't he? weren't sure about your feelings yet! But he was being so nice...and cute...and handsome. But what about Hikaru? You pictured his jealous pout and your heart nearly melted in your chest.

There was no way you were going to kiss Kaoru while his brother was on your mind, too. Just before your lips could connect with his, you delicately put a hand on his chest to stop him.

His eyes opened slowly and his eyes glazed over with hurt. You immediately felt guilty. "S-Sorry, I just-"

"No, don't be sorry! I shouldn't have done that, I'm sorry. Sorry." He rambled, his face light pink with embarrassment.

"It's okay." You smiled softly before placing a quick kiss on his cheek. "Goodnight." You said quietly before heading over to your room across the hall, leaving Kaoru in a state of happy shock before he, too went to his room.

You made your way to your door and quickly walked in. You closed the door swiftly and let out a breath you weren't aware you were holding.

That was, until you realized something as you gazed into the eyes of the person in the bed.This wasn't your room.

It was Hikaru's.


Whoohoo! Two updates in one night!

I actually like this chapter. Huh. Weird. Lol that probably means everyone else is gonna hate it, dang it.

Oh, and if you can't already tell, this was more Kaoru based and the next one will be more Hikaru based. ;D

Hope you enjoyed and once again, words cannot begin to describe how much I love each and every one of you!


Ouran High School Host Club X ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora