Chapter 9: We Need to Talk♪♪♪♪♪♥♪♪♪♪♪

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(Warning: More feels and the reader's backstory are ahead.

Plus mentions of depression and possible triggers, like bullying.)

♪♪ ♥♪♪ [LUDWIG'S POV]♪♪ ♥♪♪

      Upon reaching my room, I found the vial of the potion and drank only a few drops, long enough for me to grab my wand, which I had accidentally left in my human clothes, before seeing the clothes laying in a chest on the floor. Choking on my own saliva, I grabbed the fabric and began to tug them own while (F/n) looked away just in case. Only getting the boxers and pants on before it kicked in, I gasped as a sharp pain rushed to my head and throughout my body. Rushing over at the sound of my painful gasp, (F/n) helped me over to the bed and sat me down, paused, sat down beside me, and began to run a hand through my hair and massaging my scalp as a way to help with the pain. It helped slightly, but a small whimper of pain still managed to escape from me. As the bright light surrounded me once more, I felt my body morph: my face changed into the one that I had become accustomed to not too long ago, my body stretched as parts came and went, etc. As the light disappeared, I clutched my head in my hands and groaned slightly, the pain still throbbing , albeit being dull now. She continued to run her hand through my hair, although it was a bit more shy and hesitant now. Feeling the pain finally begin to subside, I sighed before leaning back up into a proper sitting position. Going to stand up, I felt myself become lightheaded and I had to sit down before I fell. Rubbing my closed eyes with the pads of my fingers, I jumped slightly when (F/n) placed a hand on my bare shoulder.

      "You alright?..."

      "Yeah. Just a bit lightheaded. Do you think you can hand me my shirt and jacket?" Feeling the bed shift, I put my hands down and wearily opened my eyes, watching as she grabbed said pieces of clothing. After being handed them, I slowly stood up and began to slide the shirt on before buttoning it up halfway. Sliding my jacket on afterwards, I left that open as I looked in the inside loop. Finding my wand, I pulled it out before shakily walking over to the door. Pointing the wand at the door, I took a deep breath before speaking. "Ostium fortitudine." A blue blast of magic shot out and surrounded the door before dimming down slightly. Turning around, I set my wand on my desk before sitting down and patting the spot next to me, motioning to (F/n) to sit by me. Nodding, she sat down where I had patted, and I moved away a little to give her some space. "That spell will prevent the door from being broken for a while. Now..." Sitting on the bed cross-legged, I turned to her and grabbed her hands in mine before speaking, feeling a bit of anger stirring inside of me. "Tell me all about what you were talking about earlier, when we were hiding..." Gulping, I swallowed my pride for a moment as I finished. "...Please." Letting out a sigh, her brows furrowed before she nodded once more. Sitting down in the same position I was, she let her hands sit in mine as she faced me before she began to speak.

      "Let's see..... I was born about three years after (Sibling name) was, on (Birth date). Everyone fell in love with me at first, but eventually turned their attention back to my older sibling, due to (him/her) being the next heir. I was just the other royal kid that was kinda there, even to my parents. I learned how to deal with it by filling my free time up with stuff I enjoyed, like (favourite school subject) and by picking up (favourite hobby). When I was ten and (Sibling name) was thirteen, our kingdom was attacked by a giant, evil.... Frog? Or toad?... I don't quite remember. Anyways, I, along with my parents, were taken hostage by him. However, we were saved by the Mario Bros., along with Princess Peach and Toad. My (brother/sister) had also joined them, and was the one to deal the finishing blow. That was what made (him/her) so popular and loved. After the kingdom went back to normal, the people practically worshipped (Sibling name) while I was being silently judged. They all thought that I had something to do with the siege and kidnappings, when I didn't. And then, about two years ago, (Sibling name) decided that they were going off on a small adventure." She paused and sighed, gripping my hands in her own. "(He/she) never returned. After no word from them after a while, my parents declared them to be missing and made me the heir until my (brother/sister) returned. Nobody was happy with that decision, but has learned to deal with it, and have even learned to pretend that they like me. But I can hear their whispers whenever I'm passing through town, whether it be publicly or in disguise. " I can't believe just how STUPID the princess is!" Or, "If (F/n) can rule, then anyone can! How about we just make a giant rock the heir instead?" Or, my favourite: "Princess (F/n)'s such a dirty slut! I bet that when she comes into power, she'll take all of the men away and keep them all to herself! Who does she think she is, anyways? She ain't smart, she ain't talented, and she certainly isn't pretty! She should just go ahead and die right now!" "

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