Chapter 44: Of The Dark Kingdom

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(YO NERDS guess who has the new chapter ready for you?! OK so quick explanation for this chapter. I decided to explain my reasoning for Bowser's actions in this chapter, and to show what I believe took place before the amazing games that we know today. It's kinda filler but it's pretty imo to the whole story in general. Idk if y'all will agree but this is my take. Next chapter WHICH I SWEAR MY SOUL ON is being written now, and I'll try to update asap.
"BUT YOU NEVER UPDATE WHEN YOU SAY YOU WILL" I know I don't and I feel awful for it. It's hard updating with my living conditions at times. But, since I have some free time now, I'm gonna update as much as I possibly can to get this trash going again. Anyways, I've rambled enough. If you all like this story, this chapter, or just my stuff in general, vote on it and/or comment whatever you wanna tell me. I hope you enjoy!!!)

Sighing as we sailed towards Morton’s castle, I heaved the larger male onto his bed before picking his wand up. Looking from it to him, I sigh softly.

“...sorry, Wendy.” Pressing the cold metal against his forehead, I watch as dark grey tendrils of magic wrap around him before seeping into his body. Dropping the wand as it burned me, I shake my hand to alleviate the pain as I watch the middle child. He slowly stirs before looking up at me, his eyes dazed and bleary.

“.... (F/n)?....What happened?.....”

“Try not to move too much, Morton. I don't want you hurting yourself.” He slowly nods before sighing, looking away.

“...I'm sorry. I..I couldn't beat them. I'm just….too weak.”

“Don't say that. You did great.” I gently squeeze his shoulder and give him a warm smile. He weakly returns it before looking around. Pulling my hand away, my smile slowly fell as I recalled the dreadful conversation I had with the brothers. Their words plagued my mind, filling it up until it was the only thing I could think of.

“..... n)? (F/n)?” Pulling away from my thoughts, I turn to Morton quietly.


“What's wrong?...I can tell something is on your mind.” I let out a sigh and run a hand through my hair.

“....Mario and Luigi were trying to get me to go back with them.” Feeling his hand gently grip mine, I glance up at him quietly.

“I know that you wish to stay with us. And I wish for you to stay, too. It's pleasant, having someone new around. You fit in with us well….however….those two don't understand. I'm afraid that this tale will end the same way it always does….with the two heroes of the Mushroom Kingdom prevailing and taking away what we yearn for so much. All we want is for Bowser to be happy. He wants to marry Peach, yes, but it's because she's known to spread joy wherever she goes. He wants to have her joy brighten up our home. But, alas….that is a far off dream for us.” I gently hold his hand, quiet.

“...I understand. It makes sense. I just...don't understand why she won't come to the Dark Kingdom willingly if that's all.”

“....I know why. But it's a long story.”

“Tell me, then. We have a long time to wait until your next battle.” He nods before beginning.


Many years ago, before the Mushroom Kingdom became what it is today, it was once a territory of the Dark Kingdom. There were two main ruling forces on this continent then. The Dark Kingdom and the Sun Kingdom. We were peaceful, and happy. There were no wars. No fighting. No violence. It was a perfect utopia.

But then, one day, bizarre creatures entered our lands. They called themselves humans, and they promised to help us with whatever was needed. They spread out among the continent, some going to Sarasaland, others sailing across the great ocean, never to be seen again. But a few settled down in what was the Mushroom City at the time, and took over the city.

They claimed we were in the wrong, and that we were unfit to rule the lands that we did. They gathered an army of citizens, whom they had convinced that we were the villains, and attacked. We were off guard, and were easily defeated. Gaining their victory, they broke ties with our realm and called themselves the Mushroom Kingdom. The humans in the Sun Kingdom did the same, but went overboard, eventually obliterating the Kingdom itself.

The humans that had taken over named themselves rulers, and had all but brainwashed those that had joined them into staying and being part of their lands, turning them against those that were once considered family and friends. As the years continued, the history fell into lore, and the legacy of the Sun and Dark Kingdoms were all but forgotten.

Now, the Dark Kingdom is but a remnant of its past self. We know we'll never return to our former glory, and so a dark wave of gloom has covered our home, ensnaring us in its grip and making us its prisoner for many decades. But Bowser, our great King, wishes to wash away the gloom, and to do that we need the assistance of the brightest, most cheerful creature. Princess Peach. At first, we asked. Then we pleaded. And begged. We sent gifts and gold and treasures to her and her family. They kept the items but never returned the favor by helping us. Bowser snapped and kidnapped her. He didn't mean to, he was fed up with how rude and greedy they were being. Around the same time, Mario and Luigi entered our world, and had immediately went after Peach after they had heard what had happened to her. The rest is history. Mario saves Peach and everyone lives happily ever after.

Except us. We were still unhappy. Bowser had promised his citizens he would have Peach save us, so he kept going after her, again and again. And he kept being defeated and beaten and practically killed. All for us. He isn't a bad king. He's one of the best kings to rule after the Mushroom Uprising. He promised he would give up his life if it meant saving us. And he means it.

Human! Ludwig von Koopa X ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon