Chapter 25: Regrets ♪♪♪♪♪♥♪♪♪♪♪

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(Here's some feels. Also we get a better insight to Morton and his interests based on his room.)

(And thanks for almost 2.5K reads already! You guys are so great, and I apologize for the long time you all had to wait. Hope you all enjoy this garbage!)

♪♪♥♪♪ [Ludwig's POV] ♪♪♥♪♪

I stormed down the hall, my mind blank and my eyes glaring down at the floor. Anger flowed through me, and I was so unfocused that I bumped into something. Looking up, my scowl darkened until I saw that I had bumped into Morton, who stood there looking slightly sleepy.

"Oh. Hey..." A loud yawn came from him before he finished. Ludwig. Where are you going?"

"My room. I'm not in a very good mood."

"Oh? 'N why's that?"

"(F/n.)" He hummed before speaking up.

"Do you wanna talk about it over some coffee or tea?" I sighed and furrowed ny brows.

"Sure, why not? It's not like I have anything better to do."

Ignoring the tone of my voice, Morton began to walk down the hall to his room with me following him. The walk was dead silent, the only sounds being our footsteps on the stone floor. Reaching his door, Morton opened it and held it open. Walking in, I stood nearby the door and waited as he shut the door and stepped inside.

"You want tea?"

"What do you think?!"

"Alright, jeez. Don't get your tail in a knot. What kind?"

"Fire Flower tea. Obviously." 

"Okay. Sit down at that table over there." Going over to the small, circular table in his room, I sat down in one of the chairs and sighed, slumping down in the seat. Walking over to the small kitchen set under one of his windows, Morton switched on a burner, grabbed his wand from a nearby shelf, and conjured up a kettle of water, along with a tea set. Placing a few tea bags in the tea cup and setting the kettle on the burner, he then conjured a coffee mug filled with water and poured the water into the espresso machine before going over to the cabinet that me and... no, her and I hid in yesterday.

"How long is this going to take, Morton?"

"A few minutes for your tea. Takes longer for my coffee, since it has to be made a specific way." Rolling my eyes, I huffed before resting my head on the table and tapping my fingers against the table top. Ignoring what Morton was doing, I let my eyes flutter shut as a yawn escaped me.

"You know how I like my tea, right?"

"Of course. A cube of sugar followed by a small splash of milk."

"Good." Feeling my body relax, a soft sigh passed my lips as I felt my mind slowly drift and become blank. Burying my face into my arms, I took a deep breath and felt myself become drowsy once more. Suddenly, the kettle began to whistle, making me sit up in surprise.

"Ah, your water's ready."

"You don't say."

"Someone's got an attitude."

"What's it to you?"

"I'm just saying that you have an attitude." Turning the stove off, Morton pulled the kettle off of the burner and poured the boiling water into the teacup. Setting the kettle back down, he walked over to a miniature fridge and pulled out a glass bottle of Moo Moo Meadows milk. Setting it by the cup, he then grabbed the sugar bowl  on the small counter and placed a sugar cube into the tea before pouring in a small amount of the milk.

"I can mix it."

"Alright." Putting everything together on the counter, he pulled a tea spoon from out of a drawer, picked up the saucer with the cup on it, and carefully brought them over to me. Placing them in front of me, he gave me a soft smile before stepping back over to the miniature kitchen.

"Thanks." Picking up the spoon, I stirred the tea and watched as the sugar and milk dissolved into the hot liquid, lightening the tea's hue. Hearing water being poured out, I looked to see Morton fixing up a glass of coffee. Stirring the water around the glass along with the ground-up beans, he then placed the spoon into the one-sided sink before walking over and sitting down. After taking a sip of his coffee, he placed his arms on the table and clasped his cup in both hands. 

"How's your tea?" Putting the spoon down onto the saucer's edge, I wrapped my fingers around the handle with my pinky naturally sticking out, and took a sip. The taste was perfect, and it sharpened my senses and awoke me a tad bit. Placing it back down, I let out a content sigh before replying. 

"It's good. Meets my standards perfectly."

"I'm glad it does." He took another sip of his coffee. "Now... what exactly put you in a bad mood?" All of my previous relaxation and calmness drained out of my body, and I felt quite a bit of my previous anger and vexation return.

"Me and (F/n) had a really big argument."

"You did?... Damn, what about?"

"She said that I was stupid because I didn't understand how people work."

"Really?" I nodded before continuing.

"Really. I told her that I'm smarter than her, and she said that my brilliance disappeared when our parents did." A gasp came from him, followed by a short coughing fit. "You alright there, Morton?"

"Yeah. Just really, uh... really shocked. That was a bit of a curveball." Taking a sip of coffee, he took a deep breath before nodding, letting me continue. 

"I told her that she was treading on thin ice, and she asked if I got that phrase from "my stupid little brother". Once she said that, I... I completely snapped on her."

"Did you hurt her?"

"Not physically. I may have emotionally harmed her, though.." I took a sip of my tea before sighing and shakily setting my cup down. "And we had gotten into another one before I had bumped into you."

"Oh no... Ludwig..."

"Yeah. And even worse, it was in front of Wendy..."

"Oh my stars..."

"I know. And they both said that me and (F/n) need to spend time away from each other."

"Did you apologize to her before you left?" Realization dawned on me when he asked, and I was immediately flooded with guilt and anguish.

"I... I didn't... oh god, what if she thinks I hate her?"

"She probably doesn't, Ludwig-"

"W-what if she hates ME?! I don't wanna end up like Boss, having to constantly kidnap someone that hates my guts just to try and make everything up! I... I let my temper go WAY too far this time, Morton-"

"Ludwig, calm down-"

"I CAN'T! She's one of the few friends I actually have anymore! All of my old acquaintances hate me! Everyone hates me! I... I don't want her to hate me as well."

"I don't hate you, Ludwig... and neither does she. Us, your siblings, love you. Sure, we may fight, but that's expected from brothers and a sister. And she's just angry. She doesn't hate you. If she did, she probably would've hurt you like she did to Roy yesterday, right?"


"So don't worry, big bro. Nobody hates you." Clutching my pants' legs in my hands, I took a shaky breath to try and calm myself.

"M...Morton, I..." Before I could stop myself, I felt my bottom lip quiver as tears began to spill down my cheeks. Burying my face into the palms of my hands, my body shook as I wept, my breath coming out as gasps and soft, piteous sounds. Feeling myself being picked up, I looked up to see Morton setting me up onto my feet before wrapping his arms around me.

"Go ahead. Let it all out." Carefully wrapping my arms around him to avoid his spikes, I buried my face into his shoulder and sobbed as he gently rubbed my back.

"W-what do I do now?"

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