Chapter 27: Apologies ♪♪♪♪♪ ♥ ♪♪♪♪♪

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(Here's the next chapter guys! Sorry about how long it is 😅 also sorry about all of the timeskips in this one. Hope you all enjoy anyways!)
(I don't own the song.)

♪♪♥♪♪ [Ludwig's POV] ♪♪♥♪♪


"Are you sure this'll work, Morton," I grumbled, staring down at my body and inspecting it-technically, it wasn't my body. It was actually Morton's.

"Of course, big bro! Nobody EVER suspects body switching," he said, grinning. Looking up, I looked at my actual body and studied it silently for a moment.

" THAT'S what I look like..." Chuckling, I grinned before winking. "Man, my body sure is hot. Just look at it! I must be the best looking person in the whole world. Wouldn't you agree-"

"Ludwig, you're monologing again."


"And I was the one called Big Mouth...Now hush and get it over with, alright? This form feels weird." Nodding, I picked up a folded slip of paper off of the table and began heading to the door before turning back around, smirking.

"But seriously, it's a surprise (F/n) hasn't fallen for me yet, considering just how Damn sexy I am."

"Go, Ludwig!"

"Alright, alright. I'll be back." And with that, I left and headed to Wendy's room.

*Present Time*

Standing in front of Wendy's room, I watched as the door swung open, revealing my sister.

"Oh, Morton. What do you want," She inquired, leaning against the door frame with a slight scowl on her lips.

"I have a note for miss (F/n)," I boasted, nervous that she would be able to tell that I wasn't Morton. Humming, she then moved out of the way and steps back into her room. Following, I spotted (F/n), who was sitting on the sofa, and felt my face grow warm as I noticed that she was without her shirt.

"Yo, (F/n), Morton's got something for you." Looking over, her cheeks seemed to flush a bit before she came over.

"I...I was told to give this to you. I was told it's quite important and you should definitely read it." My hand shook slightly as I handed it to her, and I hastily looked away to keep the act up.

"Thanks, Morton. Who sent it?" Smiling, she opens it and her (e/c) orbs scan the writing.

"They wished to stay anonymous. Well, I gotta go... haven't had my coffee. Later!" Walking out, I shut the door behind me and heaved a sigh of relief before returning to Morton's room.

Upon entering, I saw that he was slowly attempting to walk around. {Looks like a damn buffoon, too. How dare he disrespect my body like that.} Hearing the door as I shut it behind myself, he glanced up and sheepishly grinned.

"Uhh... sorry, bro. Just wanted to take a test run of a human body. Obviously, I've never done it before, so-"

"Yeah, yeah... it's alright, Morton." Huffing, I slowly smile as an idea pops into my mind. "You know, I just got a wonderful idea."

"Oh? And what is it, exactly?"

"Maybe, just maybe, I can borrow one of Kammy's spell books and see if there's any spells on ow to turn you human."

"But Ludwig, I don't mean to insult you, but does a spell like that even exist?"

"Morton, with all of the books she has, it's bound to be in at least one. Now, do you want me to do it or not?" Sighing, Morton paused, thinking, before nodding.

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