Chapter 41: Waterworks

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(So so sorry for not updating!!! 😓😯 I've been so busy since school's almost over for me. I'll be graduating soon so I'll be able to update more, so I hope you enjoy!)

Slowly waking up to the sound of cawing birds and the crash of water against a sturdy surface, I yawn and sit up, rubbing at my eyes. Stretching, I groggily get out of bed and shiver as my feet make contact with the cold, stone floor. Hurriedly getting dressed, I head out and nearly bump into a Hammer Bros., who was standing outside of my door.

“Good morning, miss (F/n). Princess Wendy requested that I bring you down to the café for breakfast.”

“Then lead the way, good sir.” He nods and begins heading off, and I quickly follow him, our shoes clicking against the stone floors. Going down a few flights of stairs, we soon reach the main hall, which is decorated in pink and black decor. Going down a hall, we soon enter an enormous café, which sits under the warm sun and is placed next to a lagoon of sorts. Seeing Wendy, I walk over and smile before sitting down at her table.

“Morning, (F/n).”

“Good morning, Wendy. What's for breakfast?”

“Whatever you want. I personally am eating a strawberry breakfast tart with freshly squeezed orange juice.” I nod before speaking to a Boo maid, who just appeared by us.

“May I possibly try a...raspberry breakfast tart? With milk?” She nods before disappearing from view. I look around at the café, admiring the decorations and the overall cheery atmosphere.

“So, how'd you sleep?” I turn to the female and smile warmly.

“I slept very well, thanks. And you?”

“I slept good. Sorry if you could hear my snoring.” I can't help but giggle at that before shaking my head.

“I didn't hear you.” She nods and smiles before taking another bite of her breakfast. The maid suddenly reappears, putting the food I had asked for down in front of me. “Thank you so much, miss.”

“Of course, young miss.” She smiles before disappearing once more, going to who knows where. Picking up my fork, I cut off a part of the tart and put it in my mouth, enjoying the flavor.

“This is really good!”

“I'm glad you think so.” We continue to eat in relative silence, save for the sound of silverware against porcelain and chatter around us. Once we were finished, another Boo took our dishes away to the kitchen. “So, (f/n)...your outfit….I feel like it could look a lot better.” I raise a brow and watch as she stands up. Getting up, I watch as she walks into a nearby room, presumably for storage, before hesitantly following. As I shut the door behind me, she pulls her wand out, illuminating us in a soft purple light. Pointing it at me, she gives it a flick, and the magic quickly changes my attire.

It's now a polka-dot pink bikini top that ties in the front, along with short black shorts and sandals. Smiling softly, I stretch before opening the door and exit with her behind me.

“Now, what would you like to-” Suddenly, a siren goes off, and everyone begins scrambling out of the room. “GREAT.”

“Mario. Of course. Stupid goddamn motherf-”

“Let's get going.” I nod and follow her as she rushes out. Hurrying upstairs, we get Peach before heading to her arena, which is surrounded by water. Getting Peach on the ship, she returns to the area and gives me a confident grin.

“You got this, Wendy.”

“I know I do.” Hearing a familiar pair of footsteps rushing down the hall, we turn to the source and watch as the two Italians run in.

“You too, Gwendolyn?”

“It's Wendy, you idiot! And yes. My new form is so much better. Now, I can lure you two into my traps!”

“You can't beat us!”


“Oh, I wouldn't be too sure about that, boys.” Grinning, she pulls her wand out and swings an arc at them, sending a blast of magenta flames at them. They quickly dodge, and charge her. She rolls out of the way and flicks her wrists, sending large golden rings bouncing at them. They duck out of the way before hitting her, sending her stumbling.

“Only a few more, Luigi!”

“You dare...hit a woman?!” Growling, Wendy points her wand at the water, an angered expression on her face. “Leviotia!” The water floats into the air, and she sends it crashing down on the two. She swings the liquid at them again, sending them crashing into the wall. Getting out of the harsh stream, they rush towards her and strike, both of them hitting her at once. She yells in pain as she collapses, holding her cheek and stomach.

Gasping, I rush over and pick her up with slight difficulty, and scooping up her wand, glare at the duo before hurrying out of the arena and getting onto the ship. It sails away before the two get a chance to board it, and I help Wendy into her room. Sighing, I lay her down and look at her in worry.

“(F/n), hand….me my wand…” She coughs, slowly sitting up. I do so, and she slowly manages to heal herself. Sighing, she lays back down and turns away, covering herself with the pink and black blanket.


“...I couldn't beat them. I'm too weak. God, what was I thinking?! I've never been able to win…” I hesitantly place a hand on her arm, watching her sympathetically.

“You did great. You're so strong, Wendy. I know you can do it in the next battle. They don't know who they're messing with.” Softly sniffling, she turns to me, her makeup running due to the soft tears spilling down her cheeks. I gently wipe the tears away, and use a corner of the blanket to wipe the ruined makeup away.

“You...think so?...”

“I know so.” I give her a warm smile, and watch as she slowly manages to return it. “They don't have one thing that we do.”

“....girl power?”

“Girl power.”

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