Chapter 37: Hot, Hot, Hot!

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(Hey! I'm so sorry for how long it's been since I've updated anything! I've been so busy with school, and I'm finally over having sinusitis, which was awful *shudders*. Anyways, I hope you all enjoy this next chapter! I had fun writing Roy's character, and I hope you enjoy more time with the adorable brute!

“Welcome to my place!” I look around at the arena, and notice that it's pretty different from Larry's. There are two large platforms hanging in midair, and the walls seem to be made out of some different type of stone. I also notice how hot it is, and groan slightly.

“Roy, it's hot can you stand it?” Chuckling, he turns to me and smirks.

“Isn't it obvious? I'm already hot, so it's difficult fer me ta get overheated.” I roll my eyes at that, not exactly surprised, before softly smiling.

“Whatever helps you sleep at night.” He chuckles and pats my head before looking behind me.

“There ya are, Pea-”

“Not now, Roy. I am not in the mood for your idiocy.” A quick flash of hurt appears in his features, but he quickly masks it and grins.

“Ah, ya will be soon, Peachy. Now, let's getcha to yer room, shall-”

“I am an adult. I think I can handle it myself.” Huffing, she smoothes her pink dress down before sauntering off, an air of distaste around her. Sighing, I look down quietly.

“...this is my fault…” Hearing me, the pink-haired male places a hand on my shoulder comfortingly.

“Nah. She's just bein’ a prissy ol’ bitchy just because she ain't as awesome as ya.” I softly laugh, shaking my head.

“No way. So, where am I gonna stay at until the Bros decide to show up?”

“I'm glad ya asked! Cause I have no clue. Most of the rooms here are full…”


“Well, yeah! I gotta keep my workout room separate from my turntables! They can't get ruined. Very expensive, ya know.”

“...turntables?” He nods, grinning sheepishly.

“I like ta mix my own beats together. Ya know, sorta like what Ludwig does, just...modernized. Ya know what I mean?” I nod, smiling.

“That's pretty cool. You have any music I can listen to?” He stares at me silently, his face flushing.

“Y...ya wanna hear my music?...”

“Of course!” He nervously grins, his tan cheeks pink.

“A-aight. Let's go.” I nod before following, sweat beginning to form on my (s/c) skin.


“ROYYYY, I'M SO HOOOOOT!” I groan, laying on the stone floor, my back drenched in sweat. He glances over at me, a brow raised.

“I guess it is kinda hot…” He wipes his forehead with the back of his hand before removing his vest and shirt. I turn away, faintly blushing. Pulling his wand out, he sighs slightly. “Now, I ain't th’ best at usin’ magic, but I'll sure as hell try.” He waves it a little and points the onyx-tipped scepter at me. A blast of black magic surrounds me, changing my clothes. I'm now in a pink spaghetti strap tank top and short purple shorts. A purple mesh shirt hangs off of me loosely, pink fingerless gloves form on my hands, and a raspberry beanie appears on my head as my shoes become black flats. “Ooooh...cute.” I blush, looking away.

“This shirt is gonna get sweaty and gross, soon…” Tugging the mesh shirt off, I tuck the bottom of the shirt through the collar and tie it so it stays secure before pulling the mesh shirt back on. “Better.” Pulling my hair out, I tie it in a low ponytail before stretching, feeling a bit cooler. Noticing Roy turn away with a blush in his face, I giggle and stand up, kissing his cheek. His whole face turns red, causing me to laugh and pat his bare shoulder.

Suddenly, he picks me up with ease, causing me to squeal in shock, wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. Hearing him chuckle, I pout and huff, mockingly glaring at him. He falls quiet, his expression seeming to be one of thought. Worried, I go to ask what's wrong, but he puts me down before I can. A loud siren suddenly blares, and he grins.

“Showtime! Let's go, girly.” Picking me up, he rushes out to where Peach’s room is, his face heating up as I cling to him. Barging in, he grabs her by the wrist, ignoring her angered shouting, before heading to the arena. Once we arrive, he shoos us to the bay doors. Peach heads on board begrudgingly while I stand my ground. “C’mon, (F/n), be a good girl and get on the ship.” I shake my head and sit on the floor, clinging to his leg.

“No. I'm staying.” He huffs, trying to shake me off, a look of worry on his face.

“(F/n), dem idjits are gonna be here any second now…get on th’ ship, now….”

“Let me help.”

“Yer gonna get hurt. An’ I'm not as weak as Larry. I can handle dis, (F/n).”

“Two against one isn't a fair fight. I can't do much, but I can at least help you to the ship in the worst situation.” He slowly nods, heaving a sigh.

“Fine. But watch out. Things tend ta get...explosive.” I nod, getting up and following him in. We stand by the bay doors and watch as the red and green clad plumbers run in, their outfits white and their respective colors. GREAT. Of COURSE they have the Fire Flower. Roy chuckles, adjusting his shades.


“Ah, jeez, Mario...I-I think they've all turned human…”

“That's ridiculous, Luigi. Just be cautious…” Mario glares at the pink-haired male, as Luigi stares at me, causing me to glare at him. He eeps, hiding behind his older brother. “Pink shades...Is that seriously you, Roy Koopa?!”

“Dat’s my name, baby! Don't forget it, cause yer gonna be beggin’ me fer mercy!” He grins and pulls his wand out, twirling it. Tossing it up in the air, I watch as it transforms into a Bullet Bill Blaster. He catches it with ease and props it onto his shoulder, aiming the mouth of the cannon right at the “heroes”, causing them to shout fearfully. “Cause I'm bringin’ da boom!”

And now, a look at our main love interest...

Ludwig stares out at the blue sky from his balcony, his blue locks tied back in a short, scruffy ponytail. Dark circles are under his dull eyes. He couldn't sleep a wink last night. He had drifted off to dreamland, yes, but not for long. He had been too busy worrying.

Worrying that one of his siblings would steal you away. He grips the railing tightly, digging his short, well-trimmed nails into the wood. A growl comes from his throat as he envisions you, kissing one of the others. Loving them. Ignoring him and his wants, his desires, his needs.

He had to keep you. He wouldn't give you up to anyone. He didn't care if people thought he was crazy for doing so, or that he was being possessive. A soft, dark chuckle comes from him as he thinks, one thought on his mind.

You were his. And only his.

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