Chapter 33: Fight!!

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(Hey guys! I am so so sorry for not updating! School as been getting hectic, but I'll definitely keep updating this garbage. Stay tuned!
also i failed at writing a good fight scene haha)

Hearing a loud siren go off, I shoot up from my spot on the bed in shock. Looking around, I eep as Larry barges into my room, looking afraid and determined.

"He's here, (F/n)! Come on!" Rushing over to me, he tugs me off the bed and sprints down the hall, heading to Peach's room. As he grabs Peach as well, I look at her in slight worry.

"Who's coming?"


"Yeah, the stupid plumber is in the castle at this very moment! But he won't beat me this time! Cause I have to protect TWO princesses!" Reaching the empty area from before, I notice that the floor is a bit off. Being pushed towards the bay opening, Peach gets on board.

"Larry, I...I want to try and help." His bright blue orbs widen slightly as he shakes his head.

"You'll get hurt, (F/n)!" I roll my eyes before kneeling down to his height.

"I don't exactly care, Larry. I'll be fine, okay?" He hesitantly nods, worried.

"Okay..but no fighting for you." I nod, standing up. Turning to the ship, he points to some of the crew members. "Make sure Peach stays here, okay?" They nod, keeping an eye on her. Turning to me, he leads me back in and positions me by the sidelines. "Stay here. And no fighting!"

"I hear you loud and clear, Larry." Nodding, he goes to the area near the bay entrance before walking back over.

"How do humans fight?"

"I wouldn't know. But, knowing Mario, he has something up his sleeve. Dodge his attacks, and use your wand. I know you can do it, and just watch how he fights. Use his power against him." He nods, grinning.

"Got it! Thanks, (F/n)!" Hearing footsteps approaching the area, he heads back over to the bay door and waits, trembling with either fear or excitement. As Mario runs in with Luigi, Larry grins at their shocked and confused expressions.

"Where's Larry?"

"And where is Peach?" Laughing, Larry twirls his wand in his hand.

"Fools. I'm right here!" They look at each other before laughing.

"That can't possibly be Larry!"

"Ignore him, and get Princess (F/n)." Growling, Larry shoots some blue flames from his wand at them, causing them to yelp and dodge.

"You guys are pushing me! I won't let you have them without a fight!" He fires more flames at them, and rolls out of the way when Mario tries to jump on him.

"You got this, Larry!" Hearing that, the two siblings stop and stare at me in shock.

"Did she..."

"Cheer for the enemy?"

"Learn to watch your backs, guys!" A fireball hits them from behind, causing them to yelp in pain before turning back to Larry. Rushing to him, Mario leaps, but the younger male dodges, only to be stomped under Luigi's boot. Gasping, I watch as he stumbles before shaking his head. Forming a spiked ball around himself, he rushes at the two, causing them to run and jump to avoid being impaled. As the ball disappears, Luigi stomps on him once more, causing him to fall to a knee.


"I'm fine! Don't worry about me." Grinning, he envelopes himself into a larger spiked ball and continues to charge at them. The ball disappears, and as Luigi tries to stomp on him yet again, he grabs his foot and slams him to the ground. He then swings the green clad male at Mario, sending them both into the wall by me. Giving Larry a grin, I gasp as a gloved hand grabs my wrist.

"Luigi, get her out of here. I'll deal with the brat." Nodding, he begins to try and drag me out. Planting my feet firmly on the ground, I pull him back towards me before punching him dead in the face. Tugging my arm from him, I turn and watch as Mario lands a final blow to Larry, causing him to collapse to the ground. Gasping, I rush over and scoop the young, injured Koopaling up before rushing to the ship. Jumping aboard, I watch as Mario and Luigi follow.

"Let's get this ship moving, guys!" The crew nods and quickly sails off, leaving Mario and Luigi behind. Peach reaches for them, but we were too far for them to reach her. Hurrying to where the captain's quarters were, I kick the door open before laying him down on the sky blue sheets of the bed. Looking around for some way to heal him, I find nothing. Not wanting to snoop through his stuff, I grip his wand in my hand before placing the aquamarine gem against his forehead gently. "C...curaga." Feeling a shock go through my arm, I yelp and drop the scepter.

"(F...f/n)?" Looking at him, I see he's sitting up, back to normal. "What happened?"

"Mario landed the final blow and knocked you out. I carried you in here."

"B-but, Luigi was-"

"Yeah, I may or may not have punched him in the face..." His eyes widen at that.

"I told you no fighting!...but nice." I smile before ruffling his hair up. "Wait...if I was injured, am I okay?"

"I...used your wand to heal you." He gasps before gripping my hand. "Larry?! W-what's wrong?..." Checking my palm, he notices a dark, calloused mark in my skin. His face goes pale as he gingerly runs a finger across it, causing me to wince in pain.

"You never, EVER, use someone else's wand!"

"W-why?..." At this point, I'm starting to freak out, extremely worried. He sighs, clutching my hand.

"For us, it'd prevent us from using our own scepter for a few days. But for you...I have no clue. It could make you weak to any spell, or you could become immune to magic. We'll have to see... just never do it again. Or it'll get worse." I nod, shaking.

"I'm sorry..."

"It's fine...we should be approaching my castle soon."

" have a castle?!"


"Captain Larry, we've reached your castle!"

"Speak of the devil. Let's go, (F/n)."

Human! Ludwig von Koopa X Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें