Chapter 21: Nighttime Chats and Lullabies ♪♪♪♪♪♥♪♪♪♪♪

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(Sorry about not updating in a while-school's been a real pain. There may be a slight trigger due to mentions of kinda self-harm [Not sure if it can be classified as that...] that goes with another headcanon of mine. Hope you guys enjoy though!)

(Also thanks for over 900 reads!)

♪♪♥♪♪ [Ludwig's POV] ♪♪♥♪♪

Upon reaching Kammy's office, I raised my hand and knocked on the door before gently gripping (F/n)'s (s/c) hand in my own. The door opened, revealing the main person that I was searching for.

"What do you want, Ludwig?"

"I needed to retrieve some clothing for-"

"Princess (F/n)? Well, come in, then." Moving out of the way, she held the door open for us as I walked in, (F/n) following me. "Alright. Please follow me, my dear." Releasing her hand, I gave her a reassuring smile before she followed Kammy into a side room. Once I was alone, I let out a sigh and ran a hand through my hair. My mind drifted off to (F/n), and I felt my chest tighten slightly. Growling softly, I pushed the thought of her from my mind and began to look around the room.

Tables were covered in empty bottles and chemistry sets, many old and weathered books laying open as well. Noticing a pink, bubbling potion set by an open book, I couldn't help but walk over, my curiosity getting the best of me. Looking at the page, I couldn't help but let a small gasp out at what I read.

"Love Potion: This potion will make the drinker fall in love with the first person they see. The only way to reverse its effects is with a powerful spell, which is located on page 1327."

'Why was Kammy making a-Oh wait.' Figuring that the potion was probably for Peach, I shrugged before stepping away and looking around once more. Hearing a door open, I turned to see Kammy's and (F/n) walking out. (F/n) Was now wearing a short, grey baby doll nightgown with a small, (f/c) bow on the collar and (s/f/c) ruffles on the bottom. She was also holding some clothes in her hands, which I figured was for tomorrow.

"Oh, Ludwig. I wish to alter your outfit very quickly. If you would follow me..." She returned to the room, and I followed her in. "Shut the door." Nodding, I closed the door behind me before turning to her. "Now, let's see..." Beginning to walk around me, she examined my outfit before stepping back in front of me. Humming in thought for a moment, she then lifted her wand up to me, and a dark purple magic surrounded me and began to change my clothing.

My pants became a darker blue, and my cape became slightly longer and darker. A red "K" became embroidered onto my jacket, then was lined with gold. The magic soon dispersed, and I was then able to notice everything. My cuffs were back, but unnoticeable, so I promptly rolled my coat's sleeves up to my elbow. Unclasping my cape, I pulled it off to see all of the new improvements. My emblem was now on the back, designed in my shell's rings' orange with a white outline. The cape itself also had linings to match my shell- the outer one being white and the second one being the same orange as my emblem. I then noticed that the brooch had changed to a turquoise gem, encased in gold. Putting the cape back on, I also noticed that a similar gem was now acting as a button on my jacket.

"Well? What do you think?"

"It's great. Thank you." Nodding, she went over to the door and opened it. Walking out, I noticed that (F/n) Was looking around, not realizing that we were there. Smirking, I went up behind her, leaned down to her ear, and muttered a small 'boo'. Snickering as she jumped, it turned into a full laugh as she turned around to me.

"Dammit, Ludwig! That's not funny!"

"S-sorry, (F/n). I couldn't help myself." Hearing a throat clear, I turned to see Kammy staring at us, a brow raised in suspicion. "My apologies, Kammy. We'll be off now. Thank you." Walking to the door with (F/n) in tow, I shut the door after we exited the room. "Let's go." Receiving a nod, I began the trek back to my room while she followed.

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