Chapter 18: Waltz With A Madman ♪♪♪♪♪ ♥ ♪♪♪♪♪

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(Haha whoops. Hope you guys enjoy. Also, thanks for about 400 reads, I really appreciate it!)  

♪♪ ♥♪♪ [MAIN POV]♪♪ ♥♪♪  

I stared up at Ludwig- or "Kooky", as he was now calling himself- with wide eyes, my vision slightly blurred by tears. He wasn't acting like himself, that was for sure. He was acting like Iggy, with the way he talked, the crazed look about him, and how he behaved. Noticing that he was staring back at me, I looked away and let out a muffled gasp as a sudden pain shot up my neck. Feeling a scaled hand gently touch the area, I pulled away in shock and fear, shutting my eyes tightly.

"Don't worry, my dear. I'm not going to hurt you. Hehee~ I can heal you up in a jiffy." Feeling something cool and smooth rest against my cheek, I instinctively leant into it and took a deep breath through my nose. "Sanare iniuriam." Feeling the healing magic spread through me, I felt my muscles loosen up as the dull pain dissipated. Opening my eyes, they immediately connected with Ludwig/Kooky's greyish blue ones. Feeling the wand move away, I slightly flinched as he reached out to me. Shutting my eyes once more, they snapped open when he pulled the washcloth that was gagging me out of my mouth.

"L-Ludwig..." Once he removed the binding from around my wrists, I stared up at him, unsure of what to do. One part of me wanted to hug him and cry, but I was getting tired of crying so much, especially in front of him. I also knew that this wasn't the same Ludwig that I've become accustomed to, so I had no idea on how to act around him. However, I was pulled from my thoughts as he touched the previously pained spot, causing a little bit of pain to come from it once more.

"Hmm... Looks like this here may need another spell." Feeling the wand's gem on my neck, I winced slightly at the sharp sensation. "Mordebit sanare." The magic spread throughout the area, making the pain disappear. As the spell faded, the wand was pulled away once more. "All done! Heheehee~"

"T-thanks.." Placing my hands hesitantly on his shoulders, I went to stand up until he gently put his hands on my waist. My muscles became taut for a moment, but quickly went back to normal. Standing up, he helped me up with him, grinning down at me.

"Oh, you're quite welcome, (F/n)! Now, I think that we should bail, hm? You need some time to yourself, obviously. Hueheehee~" I slowly nodded, glancing away. Removing one hand from my waist, he wrapped an arm around me and picked up his wand with his free hand. Beginning to walk towards the door, I followed him as he headed over to the exit. "Well, I'm off, King Dad. Oh, and Chef... next time you mess with (F/n) here, I'll use you for my next experiment. Well, toodles!~" Walking through the small crowd that congregated at the door, I waved towards Peach before I was walked back to Ludwig's room.

  ♪♪♪♪ [TIME SKIP] ♪♪♪♪ 

      Upon entering the room, 'Kooky'- I was still unsure on who it was- let go of me and locked the door. Turning back around to me, he smiled before humming to himself as he looked around the room. Sitting on the bed, I stared at the floor until he spoke up.

"I know what we can do for a little bit!" Looking up at him, I watched as he opened a large cabinet, revealing tons of records, neatly organized. Flipping through them, he soon pulled out one, grinned, and placed it on the nearby record player. "This is a piece that I- or rather, Ludwig- composed. Bahaha~" Turning it on, he placed the needle on the record and music soon poured out.

The piece was a waltz, being played on a piano. It was a beautiful melody, and I couldn't help but hum along to it. Noticing the blue-haired Koopa approaching me, I quickly stopped, blushing in embarrassment.

"May I have this dance... (Pet name?)" Blushing darkly, I stared up at him, bit my lip, and hesitantly answered.

"S-sure?" Feeling his hand grab mine, he pulled me up and walked over to a clear part of the room before turning to me. Grabbing my free hand, he placed it on his shoulder before placing his own on my waist. Lifting our hands up, he intertwined our fingers before gasping and pulling away.

If I do this in my regular form, my claws may hurt you. One moment." Running over to the chest with the potion, he pulled out the clothes and potion, took a small sip of the concoction, put it back, and began pulling on some of the clothes. Sharply inhaling, 'Kooky' let out a small chuckle followed by a low grunt of pain as the transformation occurred. Once it ended, he put on the rest of his outfit before returning to where I stood.

"You alright?..."

"Of course, (Pet name.) Guhuhuhu~ Now where were we?" Placing our hands back to where they were beforehand, he grinned down at me before beginning to lead the dance. As we danced, I think I stepped on his feet a few times, and possibly missed a step or two, but he made no sign that I did. And as the song ended, he lowered me down into a low dip, causing my face to heat up as we stared at each other, our noses nearly touching. His eyes were no longer wild nor demented, and were back to their normal appearance. A small smile was on his lips, and there was a light pink dusting spread across his cheeks.

"Well, princess? Ain't I cool or what?" Rolling my eyes, I giggled as he pulled me back up. "Are you alright, (F/n)?" Furrowing my brows slightly, I realized what he meant and nodded.

"I... I guess I am. It was a bit traumatizing, but at least you saved me in time. So, thank you." He nodded before speaking up.

"A-and... uhm, about the whole 'Kooky' thing... I used to go by that when I was younger, and was interested in science. I was like what Iggy's currently like. When I'm angered or threatened enough, I knid of revert back to that side of me... D-did I-er, Kooky, rather, hurt you?"

"No, he didn't... He just flirted with me a bit." He blushed, but let out a sigh of relief before quickly letting go of me.

"Whoops. Sorry."

"Don't be." I smirked before continuing. "Besides, I know how much you LOVE to hold me~" He raised an eyebrow before smirking and pulling me closer to him.

"You have no idea, princess~" Feeling my face heat up, I pulled away from him as he chuckled and turned the record player off. Placing the record back, he then went over to his bed and sat down before patting the spot next to him. Going over, I sat down and squeaked in shock as he abruptly pulled me closer to him. Feeling him lean against the wall, I gasped as he pulled me over, resting me in between his legs. Noticing that he had begun to run his hand through my hair, I let out a content hum, closing my eyes and enjoying the sensation.


"Y-you can lean against me if you want... It would probably be a bit more comfortable. For you, I mean. Giggling slightly, I slowly rested against him, my head on his chest and his chin resting on top of my head. Relaxing, I noticed that I could faintly hear his heartbeat, and smiled gently as its fast but steady pace, along with his gentle administrations to my hair, slowly lulled me into a light, calm sleep.

Human! Ludwig von Koopa X ReaderΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα