(Frazel) Kiss me, well on second thought...

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Hey look, Anna actually posted an actual update!  Is the sky falling?  I'm sorry that I'm crap at updates you guys.  Since you have been so patient, I am rewarding you with an extra long fic today (mostly because I don't understand how to limit myself while writing) Honestly, the only thing I could think about lately was solangelo and this book already has a few of those and I want to have at least a few fics for all of our demigod friends. I never see any Frazel fics so this is something I cooked up along with a prompt I found on tumblr. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this.  Feel free to comment.  I absolutely love hearing from y'all.

Frank had a serious bone to pick with a certain son of Hades.  Nico and Will had been in New Rome visiting he and Hazel for the first time since the war.  Nico had had an italian ice at a small restaurant there and Frank had wanted to try it, so of course, Nico obliged.  That would have all been fine and dandy if Will hadn't just called to tell Hazel that Nico had come down with mono.

That would definitely explain why I've been feeling so crummy today. Thought Frank.  He had been feeling sluggish all morning and his throat had been hurting slightly.  Frank had had mono before, thanks to a slobbery girl in the ninth grade, and it had been no picnic.

"Frank, do you feel alright? You look kind of pale."  Hazel had walked up behind Frank and she put her hand on his broad shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm just peachy." Said Frank.

"What's wrong?"

"I just got an awesome call from your brother's boyfriend, Nico has mono."

"Oh no!  I hope he'll be okay without me there." Said Hazel with a worried expression.

"He has a constant on-call doctor, who will probably not let him step foot out of bed until he is better again.  I think he'll be just fine."  Frank offered with a smirk.

"And you?" Questioned Hazel.

"I'm a tough guy", Frank said puffing his chest and making Hazel laugh, "I'll be fine after a few days rest."

"Okay, if you say so."  Hazel didn't look convinced but she let it go.  "You go back to your apartment and settle in.  I'll let Reyna know that you're on sick leave for a few days and meet you for a movie night."

"Sounds like a great plan." Said Frank with a sigh.  He gave Hazel a kiss on top of her head, not willing to risk much more, and the two parted ways.

Frank slowly walked back to his apartment, feeling worse by the minute.  The praetors all lived in a small apartment complex  for easy access if they were ever urgently needed, which happened to be a lot lately.  Frank and Hazel lived across the hall from each other but they each had a key to the others place, you know, for emergency reasons.  By the time he got to the apartment it was all Frank could do to strip down and put on some pajamas.  He felt so weak and Frank wondered why it was hitting him so suddenly.  Frank decided it didn't matter and settled on the couch with a blanket and waited for Hazel to walk through the door.  Frank thought he must have dozed off because the next thing he knew Hazel was making her way into the small living room.

"Oh honey." She sighed.

Hazel went to grab the thermometer and knelt beside Frank.

"I just need to take your temp real quick and then you can go back to sleep."

Frank nodded, not trusting his voice at the moment.

Hazel stuck the thermometer under his tongue and they waited in silence for the beep.  Hazel absently comb her fingers through Frank's already sweaty hair.  Frank didn't seem to mind though, he looked to be almost back to sleep.  The thermometer beep seemed to startle them both and Hazel took it out of Frank's mouth gingerly to read the display.  

"100.3 not too awful." Hazel said with relief clear in her voice.  "Do you want something to drink?"

"Not right now.  Just sleep." 

With that Frank rolled over and put his head in Hazel's lap and was soon fast asleep.

Hazel figured she would be here for a while so she picked up a book off of the table beside Frank's couch and settled in.  Hazel kept an emergency stash of books at Frank's apartment for circumstances like this.  Frank was usually tired after dishing out orders in New Rome all day so he typically fell asleep on the couch after dinner so Hazel found herself going to get books out of the collection that Nico had given her and eventually it just became easier to keep books at both places.  This particular book was about two guys who lost their memories and had to go on a crazy adventure to get them back, part of that seemed oddly familiar to Hazel. (see what I did there? ehh...ehh?)

Hazel read for about two hours before Frank started to stir.

"Hey sleepyhead, how're you feeling?"  

"Like I've been trampled by a dozen pegasi."  Frank rasped.  It felt like his throat was the size of a drinking straw.

"Okay, I'll grab you some ibuprofen, but that means you'll have to eat something.  I can't have you puking on top of everything else."  They both shuddered at the thought.

Hazel walked into the small kitchenette to make frank some tea and toast while Frank watched from the couch.  He wasn't sure if it was the fever starting to make him delirious, but Hazel seemed to have an aura of light around her that made her look like something from a fairytale.

"What are you staring at?" Hazel questioned, looking slightly worried at Frank's glassy expression.

"Nothing", Frank said sheepishly, "Just lost in thought."

"Okay then."  Hazel handed him a mug of steaming tea and a piece of toast.  "Eat the toast and I can give you something to hopefully bring down your fever."

"Mkay." Said Frank simply.  He gingerly sipped the tea and relished in how good it made his aching throat feel.  He tried a small bite of the toast and winced as it went down.  He managed to finish the tea and most of the toast so Hazel handed him two little brown pills and a cup of water.

Frank swallowed the pills and winced again.  "Man, does my throat hurt."  At least, this is what he tried to say, it came out as a quiet rasp and then nothing at all.  Frank looked at Hazel, his eyes wide.

"Babe, you'll be fine, your throat just needs some rest."  Hazel went to Frank's desk and procured a pen and pad of paper.  "Just use this when you need to tell me something."  Frank opened his mouth to try and speak, but Hazel put her finger to his lips.  "I said no talking."  Frank sniggered.  "What's so funny?" Asked Hazel with a smirk.

You're trying to mom me. Wrote Frank.

"Maybe I am, but isn't that my job as your girlfriend?" Asked Hazel innocently.

Frank smiled and scribbled something on the notepad that Hazel couldn't see.

Kiss me was scrawled in big letters when he handed her the notepad.

Hazel laughed and sat down beside Frank.  She leaned in to kiss him, but at the last moment thought better of it, she planted a kiss on the tip of his nose.  Frank looked disappointed.

"Sweetie, you literally have the kissing disease, you're actually delirious if you think you're getting kisses right now."  Hazel giggled at Frank's mock frustration.

"You should get some rest, I know you've got to be tired."  Hazel said this as Frank's eyes started to droop.  "Just go back to sleep, I'll be here when you wake up."

Frank nodded and closed his eyes, he then resumed his spot on the couch.  He used a real pillow this time, Hazel's thighs thanked him.  She loved her boyfriend, but he had a heavy head.

Never fear friends, I am making a part two for this fic.  I didn't realize how many Frazel feels I had until just now.  I will try to have the next part posted soon.  I only have two more weeks of classes and then I'm out for a bit so hopefully I will be able to post more frequently.  In the meantime, stay fluffy my little marshmallows.

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