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I received a prompt from @LostinLibraries about a sick and stubborn Jason Grace with an equally stubborn, caring Piper.  It has actually been so long since I've written a Jasper fic.  I really hope that I do it justice. I'm really sorry this took so long to get out.  I'm an awful author. Will you forgive me?
 As always let me know what you think in the comments and feel free to send me any requests you may have!  Happy reading my little chickadees!

Jason Grace was currently staring out the window of the Zeus cabin with his girlfriend, Piper, sitting on one of the bunks flipping through a magazine that had some movie star on the front.  He was staring out at the rain and wishing he could be five again and go jump in the puddles and not have a care in the world.  Life seemed so simple back then and Jason was actually envious of younger campers who came here not really knowing what monsters lurked in the world around them.  He adjusted his glasses and looked over at Piper.

"Let's go play in the rain."


"You heard me. Let's go play in the rain."

"Jason, it's the middle of November. If we go out there right now we'll get sick."

"You know what?  I don't care.  I'm tired of feeling like I have the weight of the world stacked against me.  I'm going to play in the rain and there is nothing you can say to stop me."

With a triumphant grin Jason pulled on his tennis shoes and ran outside.  Piper watched Jason from inside the warm cabin and shook her head.  Jason was splashing into a puddle when he stopped in his tracks and looked up at Piper.

"Come dance with me, beauty queen!" He yelled.

"Jason that water is freezing."

Jason gave Piper his, actually very convincing, puppy dog eyes and began to walk towards her.  Once he had reached the porch Jason stuck out his hand to Piper and she felt her resolve soften as she rolled her eyes and took his hand and the two slow danced in the rain.  They stayed like that for a few moments.  Just a boyfriend and girlfriend at camp dancing in the rain. They did not worry about the world ending, college, or even if anyone was watching (which they were).  This lasted until Piper could feel the chill down to her bones and ran back inside to change out of her wet clothes.  

Somehow Jason was still happily splashing in the rain an hour later, like some excited puppy. Piper was now completely dry from their slow dance and called Jason to come inside.

"Jason come inside.  If you stay out there any longer you'll get sick."

Jason huffed but made no move toward the cabin.

"If you come inside I'll make you hot chocolate."  Piper said enticingly.

Jason's eyes lit up and he began making his way toward the cabin.  Once inside Jason changed out of his wet clothes, while Piper tried really hard not to let him see how much she was blushing. The two spent the rest of the afternoon curled together, drinking hot chocolate, watching rom-coms, and not thinking about the future.

The next day Jason woke up alone and with one killer of a headache.  He figured Piper had gone back to her cabin after the rain had let up.  Jason looked at the time on the digital clock next to his bed and figured he should start getting ready, as he was supposed to meet Percy in the sword fighting arena in 30 minutes. Jason pushed the headache away and threw on some jeans, a camp Half-Blood t-shirt, and his tennis shoes before grabbing his glasses and heading out the door.  Jason  stopped in the doorway as a coughing fit almost had him doubled over.  Jason quickly recovered and was out the door to the dining pavilion.

Jason stopped by the dining pavilion to grab an apple and some water before heading to the sword fighting arena and saw Annabeth sitting at a table reading a book that looked impossibly thick.

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