In Which Annabeth is tired of Percy's BS

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Hello my beautiful, lovely readers! futureauthorkm5 requested some sick Percy who is not as sneaky as he thinks he is. As always, I am more than happy to give the people what they want; even if it is over a month late. (Please don't hate me!) Read on and don't forget to tell me what you think in the comments!

P.S. Just a quick reminder to submit all requests and prompts to my inbox so they don't get lost in the comments! I love getting your prompts and I would hate to miss one!

P.P.S. I have seen Avengers: Infinity War and I just finished reading ToA: The Burning Maze, both of which left me very sad and unable to cope. If you'd like to scream into the void together about either one of those, swing by my inbox.

It came on all at once. He had just left the dining after helping clean up from the night's dinner. He was walking down the hall towards his room when a squeezing sensation in his abdomen forced him to stop and hold his stomach, doubling over slightly.

"You okay?" Piper walked up behind Percy.

"Ah! Yeah. You scared me."

The pain was accompanied by an odd gurgling noise, which was never a good sign.

"Ew! I heard that from here! Don't forget the air freshener this time." Piper made a face and laughed as she walked away.

"Ha ha, noted." Percy retorted.

The pain in his gut subsided as quickly as it had come on. Percy shook his head and took a deep breath. It was probably nothing, just his food settling.

It quickly became evident that this was not the case. What felt like an hour later, Percy was sitting on his bed trying to distract himself from the gurgling and uneasy feeling in his stomach by writing in his journal. No one knew that he had it, not even Annabeth. 

He had started the journal as a way to ensure that there would be something to give to his mom to explain everything if-if something happened before he could tell her himself. However, the journal quickly became a way to wind down after a rough day. It was hard to talk about how scared he was or what he was feeling when the rest of his friends were going through their own stress.

The uneasy feeling in his stomach was quickly going from manageable to painful and it was getting harder and harder for Percy to ignore. 

And then Percy's mouth was filling with saliva and everything in him was telling him to run for the bathroom. He didn't want to alarm his friends, they had enough to worry about without worry over him too, so Percy tried to walk to the bathroom at a normal pace, even though his body was telling him to run.

The bathroom door was closed! Why was the bathroom door closed? That could only mean one thing. Percy knocked on the door as nonchalantly as possible.

"Occupado!" Leo's voice echoed.

"Sorry!" Percy yelped. Percy tried to think through the haze. Everything was too bright, too saturated. His breath was shallow, like he couldn't suck in enough oxygen. Percy tried to think of the next best place to go. The deck. And then Percy's feet were carrying him down the hallway and up the steps that led to the deck.

Percy raced for the side of the ship, thankfully they were docked in water, at least Percy wouldn't have to worry about where his mess would end up. He leaned as far as he could over the ships edge and then his dinner made it's, not so grand, reappearance. Percy tried to block out the smell of the sick, but to no avail. The force that his stomach used to expel the food made his stomach hurt even worse. And then it was over and Percy was left gasping for breath against the side of the ship. 

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