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Hello my loves! How have you been? It's been forever since I've had time to sit down and write for you. I received a request from joverton707 and I am super excited to start writing again! Let me know what you think in the comments and feel free to message me with any ideas or prompts you come up with!
P.S. I apologize for taking so long, but I just had WAY too much fun writing this!

Percy slowly came out of sleep to the sounds of distant fighting. He was immediately on his feet and uncapping Riptide as he ran toward the deck of the Argo II.

"Ilithia pnevmata kataigidas!" Annabeth yelled from somewhere above, which translated to something along the lines of "stupid storm spirits!"

Percy groaned. The crew had been flying over the sea without incident for the past few days, Percy had a sneaking suspicion that his father was trying to help out even though Olympus had cut off contact with mortals. The Argo II must once again be sailing over land, where no such protection would be available.

Percy took the steps two at a time and burst out onto the deck of the ship to see, you guessed it, storm spirits. Three separate whirlwinds of gray spun across the deck, knocking aside anything in their path, which included the crew.

"Nice of you to finally join us." Jason yelled from across the deck.

"Why didn't anyone tell me we were having a party?" Percy yelled above the chaos. Wind whipped his hair into his eyes, making it hard to anticipate where the storm spirits were going. Percy leapt toward one of the swirling gray masses and slashed down with Riptide. Almost immediately the whirlwind froze and had almost returned to it's human form before bursting into gold dust.

"What would you all do without me?" Percy spun around on the deck looking toward his friends, just in time to get hit in the head by a wrench that seemed to have flown out of Leo's tool belt. Leo, who was currently suspended upside down inside one of the mini tornadoes, cringed as Percy crumpled to his knees.


"You okay Seaweed Brain?" Annabeth called.

Percy gave a thumbs up. He could already feel the lump growing on the side of his head, but there didn't seem to be any real harm done.

"Then maybe you could help out over here."

Percy got to his feet quickly and ran to where and Piper were working to fend off storm spirit #2.

"Seriously, I always miss the fun stuff." Percy grumbled as he came up between Piper and Annabeth, giving Annabeth an opening to turn the spirit to dust.

"Maybe you should quit insisting on taking the entire night watch so you don't sleep all day." Annabeth offered.

"Percy, on you left!" Piper yelled. Percy looked to his left to see a storm spirit barreling toward him. Still recovering from the wrench to the head, Percy didn't even have time to jump out of the way. He braced for impact and closed his eyes.

Instead of being swept up inside the storm spirit and thrown over the side of the ship, Percy was hit with a large and markedly solid wall. He opened his eyes and saw only darkness.

Frank grunted as he rolled off of Percy.

"Ow." Was all Percy could say.

"Sorry for the tackle, man. You weren't moving and I had to get you out of the way so Hazel could take down that last spirit."

Sure enough, Hazel now stood in the middle of what looked like her own personal glitter party. Frank patted, slapped, Percy on the back and went to help Hazel brush the monster dust out of her curly hair.

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