Lessons Learned

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Hello again my loves! CookieDaDog requested some Jercy bromance  a rediculously long time ago and who am I to deprive the world of more of these adorable bros? Let me know what you think in the comments, and feel free to drop by my inbox for a chat or to give me a prompt!

P.S. I headcanon Bicurious Percy. Deal with it.
P.P.S Never drink on an empty stomach. It gets the job done fast, but you will feel like absolute poop later! Always drink responsibly kids, or don't (unless you're legal)

"Dude!" Jason Grace ran up behind Percy and clapped him on the shoulder.

Percy jumped and turned to look at Jason.

"What is it?" Percy asked as he continued walking.

"What are you doing tonight?"

"Well," Percy grinned impishly at Jason.

"Dude! I know I'm like you're second best-"

"Third best counting Annabeth."

"I know I'm your third best friend, but I really don't need to know the details of your love life." Jason shuddered.

"I sense that there is a point here, Jason. Please make it before I'm late for class."

"Kappa Chi is having a party tonight and guess what pledge got your freshman butt on the list?"

"Was it Frank?"

"Shut up. A thank you would suffice." Jason punched Percy in the arm.

"Oh. I thought you didn't drink?" Percy asked a little more gently. He knew that bringing up anything about Jason's mom and her alcoholism was touchy.

"I still don't. I'm not even going to open up the door for something like that." That was the truth, Jason had promised himself long ago that he wouldn't touch alcohol. 

"I'll be the DD for the night."

"Dude, we all live within walking distance of everywhere." Percy laughed.

"Then I'll be the DW, Designated Walker."

"When is the party?" Percy rolled his eyes.

"Be at the Kappa Chi house at ten."

"Roger that. Now, I have to get to class. I can't be late again!" Percy mock saluted Jason and then jogged ahead to get to the Bio Sciences building.

"It's the third week of classes, exactly how many times have you been late?"

"Too many." Percy called back to him.

In the classroom, Percy dropped his backpack beside his desk and slid into it just as the professor was calling role.

The one bad thing about college, it was still school and everything was just as hard for Percy to understand as high school. He spent over half the lecture taking detailed notes, only to forget any new piece of information as soon as he walked out of the classroom doors. For this reason, Percy was glad to have Annabeth. She seemed to understand the best ways to motivate him and help him absorb the information.

"Hey, Seaweed Brain." Annabeth greeted Percy as he walked into their small apartment.

"Hey, Wise Girl."

"How was your day?"

"Same as usual. I wasn't late for class today, though. How was yours?"

"My Lit professor told me that I wrote one of the most insightful analysis' of The Iliad he'd ever seen." Annabeth looked proud.

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