Perfect Timing

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Hello my loves! I received a request from LillianEllmore where A loses their voice and B has to fill in for them right before a big event. She has given me free reign over the characters and I figured it was the perfect time for some Solangelo. It's been much too long since I've written about my smol bbys. Let me know what you think in the comments and message me with any prompts or ideas you might have!

Will walked in the door of his and Nico's apartment just as the last of his strength left him. He leaned against the table by the door for support. Will couldn't remember the last time he had felt this bad. His entire body ached and he was so tired. 

How could this be happening? He had been fine yesterday. Will had woken up that morning more tired than usual, but had just assumed it was the fact that he hadn't slept well for the past few nights. He had been nervous about his medical school interview. Will and Nico would both be graduating NYU in the spring and Will had been short-listed for Harvard Medical School. All he had to do was give an amazing interview and he'd be as good as admitted.

He left his messenger bag by the table, not having energy to put it in its proper place, and shuffled to the bathroom and rifled through the cabinet until he found what he was looking for. Will popped the top off of the ibuprofen and took two, not even bothering to go get a cup of water with it, something he had always been so adamant about whenever Nico took medication.

Will stripped off his winter coat and coarse jeans which were rubbing uncomfortably against his skin. He literally fell into bed, barely even bothering to pull down the comforter to crawl under it. Will tried to sleep, but he was too hot and too cold at the same time and he couldn't seem to find a comfortable position on the bed.  At last, the ibuprofen did their work and Will fell into a welcome sleep.

"Will? I'm home." Nico called as he came through the door of their apartment. He saw Will's messenger bag precariously leaning against the leg of the table by the door, which meant Will was home, but was weird. Will was the neater of the two and always made sure to put his bag in their room by his desk. 

Nico kicked off his shoes by the door and put his back pack on the couch. Will still hadn't made his presence known. Nico always got home before Will, except on Tuesdays when Will's lab let out at least an hour before Nico's last English class. 

Today happened to be Tuesday, but Will could almost always be heard or seen doing homework or working on some mock interview questions for his Harvard interview. Today he was doing neither. Nico made his way back to the bedroom and found Will curled up in a ball in the middle of the bed, that definitely wasn't normal. Will hated taking naps during the day, saying they made it impossible to sleep at night. 

Nico would be lying if he said he wasn't a little concerned. He walked over and sat on the bed. He reached over and gently shook Will's shoulder.

"Babe? Will?" Nico said gently.

Will blearily opened his eyes and looked at Nico.

"Hey babe." Will said. The nap had not helped. He still felt awful and he added nausea to the growing list of symptoms.

"You feeling okay?" Nico put the back of his hand to Will's cheek and was surprised to find that it was warm, too warm.

"No. I felt bad when I left this morning, but I figured it was just because I haven't been sleeping well since I've been worried about the interview. It just got worse and worse throughout the day." Will explained.

"What hurts exactly?" Nico asked, a little worried now. Will never got sick, but when he did he was down for at least a week.

"My whole body hurts, my head hurts, my throat is really sore, and I'm really nauseous. Also I can't get warm."

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