FierroChase-Famous Last Words

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Hello friends! I know I said I would be better about updates, but I haven't been able to find my inspiration lately *overly dramatic sigh*.  This fic took me an abnormally long amount of time to write and I'm not super happy with it, but let me know what you think!  As always, I am open to prompts, feedback, pairings, and general chitchat! Read on my loves!

The restaurant had seemed innocent enough.  It was a hole in the wall that you would completely miss if you weren't looking for it.  The only reason Magnus knew about the restaurant was because he had slept under the awning once when he was living on the streets, before Blitz and Hearth found him.  Magnus remembered the restaurant because after spending the night on the front steps, he had woken up to a bowl of some sort of stew and a warm cup of coffee.  He had left immediately after finishing the meal and never knew who to thank.  So, when he and Alex were wandering the streets of Boston one day and Magnus spotted the faded red awning from long ago, he wasted no time dragging Alex inside.

"That place looks like it got a negative grade from the health department."  Alex held her ground as Magnus practically ran across the street.

"It doesn't look like much, but the food is absolutely amazing."

"If I die I'm totally gonna kill you."

"Yeah yeah.  Aren't you even a little hungry?"

Alex's stomach growled in answer.

"I'll take that as a yes.  Come on! You won't regret this."

"Famous last words." Alex mumbled, but Magnus was already at the door of the restaurant and didn't hear her.

The restaurant didn't look like much from the inside either.  It was a dingy 70s type diner with mustard yellow floors and booths to match.  Magnus and Alex quickly sat down and an older man wandered up to them.

"Hello! May I get you some drinks to start with today?" The man asked in a Russian accent while handing Magnus and Alex menus.

"I'll have a coke."  Magnus answered.

"I'll have the same."

The man bustled away, humming to himself.  He quickly returned with the drinks.

"What can I be making for you today?"  

Alex surveyed the menu and was glad for the pictures, all of the dishes names were in Russian.  She quickly settled on something that seemed to resemble beef stew.

"I'll have the Solianka."  Alex handed her menu to the waiter.

Magnus also seemed to be at a loss with the menu, and eventually chose the same dish as Alex.

The waiter collected Magnus's menu as well and scurried away.

The waiter returned in a suspiciously short time with two bowls of stew.  Alex and Magnus immediately dug in and Alex's hunger was the only thing that kept her suspicion at bay when she thought the soup tasted funny.  

After eating, the two payed and left.  It was starting to get dark and the area of the city they were in was not a place one would want to get caught after dark.  They hurried back to Hotel Valhalla.

The stew left Magnus and Alex feeling warm and sleepy, and when they arrived back on floor 19 both went to their rooms and promptly fell asleep.

The next morning, Magnus woke up with a unsettled feeling in his stomach.  He quickly brushed it off as hunger and went about getting ready for the day.  Magnus finished dressing and strolled to the dining room of floor 19.  He found the rest of his friends already seated and eating, sans one Alex Fierro.  Magnus tried not to let this bother him, Alex was never an early riser and had been late to breakfast on way more than one occasion.  He surveyed the selection for breakfast and decided on biscuits and gravy.

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