Percabeth- Flying by the Seat of Your Pants

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Hi friends! How has everyone been?  It's been so long since I've seen you all!  This isn't a sickfic, but I was having Valentine's Day Percabeth feels.  I promise we will get back to regularly scheduled programming after this brief feels fest.  As always, let me know what you think in the comments and I am always opened to prompts, ideas, and just chatting.  Enjoy the feels my little marshmallows!

P.S. I know there is a lot of argument over the ages of Percy and Annabeth so for the sake of this fic Percy and Annabeth are 20 and 21.

Percy Jackson was not a planner.  He was more of a "fly by the seat of his pants" kind of guy, as his mom called it.  Usually this didn't matter, in fact his constant improvising was what made him such a good swordsman and helped keep him alive since finding out he was a demigod.  Annabeth was the planner.  She could make lists in her sleep and was probably the reason Percy hadn't failed out of college since she was always reminding him when his classes were.  

Tonight though, Percy had been meticulously planning for months.  Tonight Percy would propose to Annabeth.  Percy knew that it was super cheesy and expected to propose to your girlfriend on Valentine's Day, but that's why he was doing it today.  This was what everyone expected and since Percy never did what anyone expected, this would completely shock Annabeth.  

Percy finished tucking his shirt in and looked himself over in the mirror in the Poseidon cabin.  He wore a simple button-down with a pair of dark jeans, the Aphrodite cabin had picked out his wardrobe for the night citing something about "beach bum chic." 

He was already so nervous.  Percy thought back on the last two months.  He thought of all of the planning that had gone into the next few hours.  He thought about Annabeth and a smile spread across his face.  A clap on the shoulder brought him out of a daydream.

"Hey man, you almost ready?"  Grover Underwood beamed at Percy.  He had been the first person that Percy had told about the plan for the engagement.

"Yeah.  As ready as I'll ever be."

"Tonight everything changes, man!"

Percy took one last look in the mirror and grabbed the small velvet ring box off of his dresser and put in in his pocket.  

"Tonight everything changes."

The plan for the Surprise was no simple feat.  This plan had many moving parts and the entire camp, all of Percy and Annabeth's friends, and their families had pitched in to make sure the night went off without a hitch.

Percy knocked on the Athena cabin door and waited with baited breath as he heard someone move to open the door.  When Annabeth opened the door Percy could hear his heartbeat in his ears.  Annabeth always looked amazing and tonight was no exception.  She wore her hair in curls and wore just enough makeup to take her gray eyes from "striking" to "could actually kill you with a look."  Her lips were a light shade of red that matched her newly painted nails.  She had definitely had help from her brothers and sister or the Aphrodite campers. Annabeth was good at a surprising number of things but painting her nails was not one of them.  She was wearing a dress and heels that Percy couldn't recall seeing before, more helpers, he thought. 

"You're gawking seaweed brain."  Annabeth laughed at Percy.


"Well, it is Valentine's Day.  I figured I should do a little something extra."

When Percy couldn't form a sentence Annabeth broke the silence.

"So what's on the agenda tonight?"

"Now if I told you it wouldn't be a surprise."  Percy grinned teasingly at Annabeth.

"I should have expected as much." She said with a sigh.

Percy grabbed Annabeth's hand and started toward their destination.

They arrived at the lakeside pavilion within a few minutes.  Percy looked around and saw that candlelight was dancing around the pavilion.  It looked better than he had imagined.  The table in the center of the Pavilion, which was coincidentally the Poseidon cabin table, was laid with rose petals and two ornate candelabra.  Percy led a speechless Annabeth to her seat and then took his own across from her.

"Percy, this is amazing!  How did you manage this?"

"Don't act so surprised! I can be romantic when i try."  Percy feigned being hurt.

"I also might have had a little help."  He added sheepishly.

"It's amazing.  Thank you."

With that  dinner was served.  Percy had persuaded some of the nymphs that helped serve camp meals to help out tonight as well.  The nymphs had certainly done their job, suddenly there were two steak dinners sitting between Percy and Annabeth.  Once the meal was served a comfortable silence settled.

Percy finished his meal and waited with baited breath.  It was almost time.  He felt his phone buzz in his pocket and knew that it was time.

"Let's go for a walk."

Percy stood and held out his hand for Annabeth and then they were off.

Percy and Annabeth walked through the camp reminiscing about days gone by.

"Remember that time you singed your eyebrows off on the climbing wall?"  Annabeth giggled.

"My eyebrows were never the same!"

"What about that time Chiron caught us making out in the sword fighting arena?  He never quite let that go."  Percy mused.

"Hey Percy."


"I'm really glad that I met you."

"I'm really glad I met you too, Wise Girl."

They had made their way to the center of camp by the fire pit.  The fire was already blazing and a blanket was spread out on a bench.  Percy motioned for Annabeth to sit down.  Percy felt his heart beat in his ears again and his hands were shaking.  This was it.  Now everything changes.

"Annabeth I love you."

"I love you too, Percy.  What's going on?  You look like you're about to barf."

"You are the most amazing woman I have ever met. I've known since I saw you hold up the sky that I loved you.  I've known since I almost lost you in Tartarus that I wanted to be with you forever."

Annabeth's eyes shined with tears.  Percy kept going.

"I never want to wake up next to anyone else for the rest of my life and I never want anyone else to call me Seaweed Brain."

"Percy, I" Annabeth couldn't seem to find the words.

"Wise Girl, will you marry me?" Percy knelt and pulled the ring box out of his pocket.  His hands were still shaking and he almost dropped the ring.

Annabeth grabbed his hands in hers and smiled at him with tears in her eyes.  Then she laughed.

"What's so funny?"

"Remember on our first quest with Grover, we all played hackey sack with an apple?"

"Yeah.  We were doing pretty good until Grover ate the apple.  What does that have to do with asking you to marry me?"

"Seaweed Brain, we've been engaged since we were twelve.  In ancient Greece throwing an apple at a girl was considered a marriage proposal."

Percy gave Annabeth a funny look.

"You still want the ring, right?"


Percy slipped the ring on Annabeth's finger.  The ring was a simple silver band with a small diamond in the center.  It had been his grandmother's wedding ring.  Sally had given it to him and told him that he would know when to use it.

Percy and Annabeth stood up and kissed.  Percy was the first to pull away, absolutely beaming.  

"She said yes!  You can all come out now."

Annabeth wondered who he was talking to until all of their friends and family started pouring out from behind the cabins.

"I love you, Seaweed Brain."

"I love you too, Wise Girl."

Heroes of Olympus/Magnus Chase Sickficsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें